25-he probably won't kill him

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In the soft white-gold light of the new day, the hues of Aaliyahs bed moved from impressionist pastels to brilliant pop art. In an instant, the brunette was out of bed and on her feet as she remembered what day it was. Her minds reel rewind, replaying what happened a week ago or so.

"How can you forget to put on your robe?!" Amelia complained as they loomed towards the commotion where a spell had just fired.

"At least I didnt endanger our friend's life!" the brunette retorted.

"He ate my secret stash of gummy slugs, he had it coming!"

"What kind of a maniac enjoys gummy slugs?" Aaliyah grimaced.

"How dare you!" the blonde gasped. The duo started to argue, as their comments over-lapsed each others, it led to a quite irritated Xena to speak up

"Hey! Knock it off" Xena snapped "We have other things to worry about, then some sweet" she paused scavenging her brain for the appropriate word "dish"

While on the other side of the castle Severus stormed towards Minerva's office, seeing that the Gryffindor quidditch captain had detention with her. Much younger 1st and 2nd-year students in his way scurried away afraid of the menacing glower in their motion master's eye. Severus abruptly halts as he reached the door and his knuckles tapped hardly on the already open door.

"Minerva, can I borrow Mr. Wood for a minute"

Minerva looked a little taken aback on how calm her colleagues voice sounded which was so unlike him, while blatantly ignoring the resentment in his tone while taking out the Gryffindor's name. She nodded, signaling a much-frightened Oliver that it was okay to leave.

As soon as Oliver exited the door, with a flick of his wand, Severus shut the door close causing a loud noise to echo throughout the halls. Oliver's breath tethered as he tried to recall any reason that might have caused his potions master to be so vexed with him. Without further ado, Severus pointed his wand towards Olivers neck as he spat,

"Me?" Oliver asked nervously with confusion clouded eyes "Sir, I-I don't understand"

"Dad!" Aaliyah's voice bellowed beside Severus along with a panting Amelia and Xena. Oliver snapped his eyes towards the brunette, his eyes scanned her peculiar outfit which wasn't the right thing to do given the circumstances as Severus gritted his teeth in pure rage and shoved his wand to the boy's neck, not liking the way he was looking at his daughter.

"Expelliarmus!"Amelia shouted, immediately disarming Severus.

"Dude!" Xena exclaimed
"You just disarmed him!" she continued knowing that once you disarm someone, loyalty of the wand changes.
"I'll return it to him later" Amelia shrugged.

"Are you out of your mind!" Aaliyah shouted as she stood in front of Oliver, protecting him from any possible injuries her father might cause
"So you're just going to hex anyone with whom I decide to go out with?!"

"Move" Severus ordered as he kept his eyes locked on Oliver, calculating all the possible ways he could harm the impudent boy without his wand.

"No! I won't move" Aaliyah argued.
"I'm not 12 anymore dad and I think I'm old enough to be romantically intimate with someone. So please just, Deal.with.it" she spat as she grabbed Oliver's hand, pulling him away from Severus as the others followed.

"Monsieur" Amelia greeted with an atrocious yet fake French accent, bowing as she presented Severus wand in her hands, which he snatched immediately.

"We're dating?" Oliver questioned confusedly as they all speed-walked towards the common room.

"No, you're not you oaf" Amelia scoffed at his stupidity
"And the next time you steal my candies, I will burn your broomstick to ashes" Oliver's head bobbed fervently as he heard the blonde's threat.

"Ames stop threatening about arson and Liyah are  you alright?"The brunette just nodded,
"Yea" a lie which everyone could see through

"And what are you wearing?" Oliver commented incredulously as he yet again looked at the witch's outfit choice
"Here" he shrugged his robes off and gently placed it on the brunette's shoulder.

"Thanks, Olie" she sighed
"I'll see you guys later, I need some air"

The witch walked through the school's corridor which always seemed to bring her a sense of belongingness, seeing that she was in fact living her dream to be in Hogwarts. She let out a low yelp when she felt her hand being tugged and pulled into an empty classroom and her back collided with the wall.

"Hello love"

"Remus! You scared me"

"Sorry" he apologized, unconsciously pushing her more towards the wall "Are you fr-"
"How did you find me?" she cut him off.

Remus dug the marauder's map out of his pocket with a smug smiley face as if it were obvious.

Right she sighed in remembrance
"I'm sorry you were saying something"

"Are you free this weekend?" he quirked his eyebrows.

"I guess" she dragged before her lips slowly started twitching up into a faint smirk
"Are you asking me out, sir?"

"Maybe" he shrugged "And please stop calling me that" he commented on her choice of words.

"Make me..sir"

Before she knew it, Remus pressed his lips to hers, later on nibbling her bottom lips as he whispered

"Choose your next words carefully"

AN: Heyyy, Sorry the chapter was so short :(
And I've made some major ChAnGeS in the cast page, hope you liked it so far, Please let me know your views till now :)

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