19-the things you do to me

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Aaliyah's eyes open like two flashlight beams, the new temporal inserts providing enough light to illuminate whatever she looks at, every thought in high definition. Her eyes take in every ray of light and without a doubt, she knows she hasnt slept too long. The noises are of a day in full swing, murmured tones in a jolt go quite as if they knew that she was up from the unexpected and abrupt slumber.

Her doe-eyes then noticed the owners of the commotion, as they all stare at her in worry.

"Uh, hi?" the brunette greeted awkwardly to the concerned set of teachers and Xena.

"Miss Snape, can you tell us what happened?" Dumbledore questioned calmly.

Aaliyah groaned lowly, hating how numb her upper body felt as she tried to sit upon the stilled yet fluffy gurney.

"Lay down" Remus softly instructed, gently pushing her shoulders, which earned him a deathly glare by Severus.

"I don't remember" she mumbled loud enough for others to hear.

"What is the last thing you remember, dear?" Minerva sternly asked concern dripping from her words.

"I-"Aaliyah looked at Severus, who was keenly waiting for the answer, to get a reason to burn that wretched parchment into flames.

"Uh, I was reading my book in the dungeons, before dad brought Harry" she lied understanding her fathers intent by his look.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled in as if he knew that she was lying.

"She's been skipping meals" Xena declared folding her arms.

The brunette scowled at her best friend, she didn't skip meals, she just reduced the amount of eating in the past few days as she spent most of her time in quidditch practices, assignments, making sure Snuffles' well fed, tests, pending works. The witch then registered that she hadn't spoken anything in the past few minutes, making everyone believe that the Ravenclaw was true.

"This is not acceptable Miss Snape, you cannot skip meals for Quidditch practices!" Minerva scolded having had herself caught the young chaser spending extra hours in practice.

"I didn't skip meals, I just- " she exhaled "have too much on my plate right now, with homeworks and tests"

"That doesn't mean you can stop eating Miss Snape" concern softening her shrill voice "and you won't be attending this week's practices"

"Minieee, but the match's this weekend!"Aaliyah tried to argue back.

"Then you better start taking care of yourself" Minerva stated before she walked out.

She didn't dare to look at Severus, not wanting to know if he was angry or concerned, maybe both she thought.
"I would like to speak to her alone"Dumbledore announced.

"No" "Absolutely not" Remus and Severus words coincided, which earned Remus an amused look from Xena, the usual glare from Severus, whereas Dumbledore looked rather calm, calmer than usual.

Remus cleared his throat, uncomfortable with all eyes on him "I'm just going to-" he pointed towards the door, his feet awkwardly trudging to get out.

Xena stifled a laugh "You too Miss. Jennings" Dumbledore looked at her over his half-moon glasses.

Xena mumbled a 'take care' before she left.

The headmaster then looked at Severus, expecting him to do the same. "No,Dumbledore" Severus contended "Speak what you must, I'm not leaving her!"

"Dad" Aaliyah looked up pleadingly, to show him that it's alright. Sighing defeatedly, Severus complied before glaring at the older wizard and storming out with his swishy cape.

"Now" Dumbledore started as soon as he was sure Severus was out of earshot. "Why don't you tell me what really happened?"

"I don't know" the witch knitted her eyebrows "I vaguely remember reading something, i-it might've triggered some sort of memory" she adjusted herself on the bed "And I don't even recall what the memory was, they were just distorted people with muffled voices, before I knew it everything went..blank" she explained looking back at the older man
"What does it mean?"

"It doesn't have to mean anything Aaliyah" Dumbledore gently squeezed the brunette's hand , before approaching the door, and he turned back one last time "unless you want it to"


˚。☾ .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚☽ ˚。

Stars had lit the sky like snowflakes on a black canvas and it astounded the brunette how like an old photograph it looked like.


the brunette thought, finding it weird how her brain came up with such a hypothesis. Maybe the high dosage of muscle relaxant potion had affected, affected a lot and clouded her thought process, Aaliyah pondered. Or maybe having had spent a whole god-damn day in the hospital wing without any sort of entertainment, her mind went on over-drive.

Sighing she shifted uneasily on her back, wanting to get out of the bed. She replayed the incidents which took place the whole day, silently cursing Dumbledore to not get to the point and all his silly little wordplays and a very bizarre conversation that she had with Professor Hewitt and Amelia, which she vaguely remembered.

"You should be resting" a musky voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She smiled warmly at the owner of the voice, Remus.

"You should be too" she murmured, knowing that the full moon was this weekend.

"I'll be fine" he shrugged it off, making the bed dip as he sat beside her. He gently pulled her hand massaging it "As long as I'm with you"

The heat rushed to her cheeks, tainting it in perfect pink, prominent to the eyes, but not for those afar. Unknowingly, their eyes find their way to each other.

His eyes were so different in moments like these, softer than the young witch knew eyes could ever be. The professional man that she knew and acknowledged was begone and instead it was the eyes of one who would adore you no matter what.

And hers radiated warmth and affection, belying with childlike innocence, childlike innocence as she had not experienced love in such a euphoric way, let it be by subtle touches , a simple gesture or just an  eye contact.

Without further ado, she felt those same lips that she craved on her needy ones. Both their  breathe shuddered as in the kiss they were their own pure and vulnerable selves, which they had unwittingly reserved only for each orher. The primal desire spread in Remus like a wildfire, as he gripped her waist, pinning her to the bed. The need for air tightened, but they didn't care as they wanted to soak as much ever as they could of each other.

Her lips were the promise of years and the sweetness of waiting for real love. After being alone, and hurtlingly lonely all these years, he was finally home, he was finally home every time she was in his arms and he didn't want to let go, he was scared to let go.

She moaned in his mouth, as she felt his torso press into hers. Instinctively her petite fingers grabbed his hair, wanting more, wanting to feel more of him. He groaned deepening the kiss more if that were possible.

They finally parted away, panting lowly, their chests heaving to get the much-needed oxygen which  had seemed unnecessary in the passion driven moment.

His eyes searched hers, and if gazes could promise, his promised protection and love. His gruff voice spoke up

"The things you do to me, Miss. Snape"

 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐑 ✭ascendance to powerWhere stories live. Discover now