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Aaliyah's unconscious figure couldn't stop feeling pain for even one god damn second. But as soon as her body decided to wake itself into consciousness in the bright July noon, her throbbing head added on to her pain. Her immediate response was to hold her head, cradle it back to sleep even. But she knew she couldn't do that because even in slumber she heard Remus' cry of pain and agony.

And so, this day will too pass she thought. It'll pass but with a tangy yet bittersweet hangover, not from a drink of course as she couldn't stand the foul-smelling honey-colored intoxicant but from the series of events that befell just a few hours ago.

Once she was sure that her head won't pound, she took in her surroundings only to find her father sleeping on a wobbly chair nearby but with her rather smaller hand clasped tightly within his larger bloodied ones.

As soon as she noticed the red liquid, maiming his hands and shirt she saw red. How did he get hurt? When did he get hurt? That was all she could think. And this worry of her not knowing what had happened kept bugging her brain, provoking it to feel more pain.

She simply had to know.

She took in a profound breath when an idea popped into her brain. Severus had taught this to her when she was barely a 4th yearer; he said that it would be really important for her to know if she's staying with him. It was tough at first, but she got the hang of it in no time. Seeing that her wand was right next to her pillow, she didn't hesitate to grab it and mutter, "Legilimency"

 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐑 ✭ascendance to powerWhere stories live. Discover now