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Spinner's end was exactly how it was described in the books. It was located near a dirty river, the bank of which is strewn with litter. There was a disused mill with a tall chimney nearby. One glance at the street outside, the young witch knew it was a poverty-stricken neighborhood. It had been almost two weeks since Aaliyah arrived here with Severus. Unlike Aaliyah, Severus didn't converse much. He spent most of his day reading books whilst she went on walks. She even walked by Lily Potter's neé Evan's childhood home.

"Does Mistress Aaliyah need anything to eat?"

Aaliyah puts her book down as she looks at Binky, their house elf. Severus had brought the elf home a few days into Aaliyah moving in as it was hard for him, not knowing how to cook a proper meal. Residing alone for almost three decades, cooking had never been a problem, but now knowing he had to feed a growing child he knew he needed help with household activities.

"No, Binky," Aaliyah smiled "Did you eat anything today," she asked, after noticing that the elf barely ate anything, Aaliyah made it a mission to make sure that Binky eats three square meals every day.

"Binky ate an apple pie today, Binky has never felt more full."

Aaliyah chuckled loving how all the house elves referred to themselves in the third person." Binky, now what did I tell you, never use your name while referring to yourself always use 'me' or 'I'" she explained as she held the elf's hand, "now let's try again."

"I ate an apple pie today, I have never felt more full."

"Good job" Aaliyah hugged the elf. Binky's ear perked up as she heard a commotion from downstairs. The duo followed the commotion, they stilled when they found Severus talking to a plump redhead woman accompanied by another red-headed man. Aaliyah grinned knowing who they were

Arthur and Molly Weasley.

"OH, you must be Aaliyah!" Molly approached the girl before pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.

"You must be Mrs.Weasley" Aaliyah grinned before she turned to Arthur "and Mr.Weasley, it's good to finally meet you."

"Likewise," Arthur reciprocated the smile.

"Dumbledore has summoned me," Severus deadpanned. "You can go with them before I come back" he sneered.

Aaliyah barely nodded. " How will we be going?" she looked at Molly.

"By the floo of course."


"Move back!"

"They are coming!"

"Ron, stop stuffing your mouth!"

"Percy you oaf, move before they-"but it was too late. Just when Percy was about to move, their mum and dad, barged and landed on him.

"Merlin, Percy!"Mr.Weasley exclaimed.

"All of you, sit!"Molly ordered gesturing to the couch. Aaliyah who was pretty much hiding behind the woman came forward smiling sheepishly. "Now," she continued," Aaliyah, sweetheart, why don't you come out and say hello." she pulled the young girl's shoulder.

"allo ," she shyly stated as she waved her hand.

"Aaliyah, this is Percy, he's going to be in his second year like you. And those are-"

"Hi, I'm Gred, he's Feorge" one of the twins spoke up."I am only joking. I'm Fred, he's George." He opened his mouth to continue, but a glare from his mother shut him up.

Molly continued the introduction, the brunette nodded as she looked at a 6-year-old Ginny and this was Bill's last year and Charlie's fifth year in Hogwarts. Her eyes then traveled to a 7-year-old Ron. She wondered how Harry was, four more years and he would join Hogwarts, she felt bad knowing there was no way she could get Harry to Spinner's end. Firstly, Severus would have a fit and secondly, he wasn't a legal guardian.

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