08- the first defense class

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"A person can break their neck with this dammed thing"

The brunette's heart thumped as she missed to keep her first step on the moving staircase. It was plainly dangerous to have moving staircases in a school full of young kids, she thought cursing mentally at the person who came up with this clever ideas. You know what Hogwarts should have.

Elevators, that's what.

After sprinting for the next five minutes Aaliyah finally reached the door of her next class ,Defense Against The Dark Arts. She skid to a stop as she stood outside the door.

"Ah Miss Snape, please take a seat." Remus spoke as leaned his back on his work desk . The young witch sat in between her best-friends seeing that they had this class with The Ravenclaws.

"My name is Remus Lupin and I'll be your new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher and I'm aware of the fact that many think that the job is jinxed" the class snickered "but I assure you that I'll try my best to keep up with everyone's expectation and if you do wish upon bringing food to the class , please bring enough for everyone , I don't want anyone to bring lobster in the first row and not share it with the class, as you can see that might be shellfish."

Aaliyah chuckled loud enough for half of the class to look at her, "Oh come on, it was funny" she shrugged.

"Thank you Miss Snape" Remus said as he exaggerated the 'thank you' part. "As it is your first day, I don't want to bore you with theory class, instead I want everyone to put all your books back in your bags. Today's will be a practical lesson. You will need only your wands."

"If you'll follow me" he instructs as everyone got to their feet following him along the deserted corridor as he led them down a second corridor and stopped, right outside the staffroom door.

Aaliyah had been lots of time when she was younger, she'd come here to hangout with her dad when he wasn't there in the dungeons or accompany her best-friends after being caught by Minnie in hexing some prejudiced Slytherins or any sorts of mischief. The door was already open and her eyes landed on her father sitting and correcting some parchments. The black- haired teacher looked at his arch-nemesis and his face scowled up, it relaxed back when he looked at the goofy grin on his daughter's face. Maybe he'd stay he thought.

The students tensed up with the presence of their potion's master in the long, paneled room full of old, mismatched chairs. Remus awkwardly looked at Severus not knowing if the Slytherin head decided to leave or to stay. Severus didn't move from his seat, ignoring the people in the room he continued his work, Remus took this as a sign ,"Now then" he walked forward and turned around to face the class "Today we'll be learning about patronus charm, the question is what is a patronus charm?"Xena hesitantly raised her hand.

"Yes Miss Jennings?"Remus acknowledged.

" The Patronus charms is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian, used to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors."

"Excellent, but it's not only used against dementors , is it?"

"No"Aaliyah interjected "uh a patronus can deliver messages, speaking with the voice of the caster it doesn't matter if it's corporeal or not."

"Marvelous Aaliyah,couldn't have put it better myself.But yes it is a defensive spell used to protect ourselves from the dementors . It is quite an advanced spell and one may not get them in their first attempt but it is very important for your N.E.W.T.S and seeing that the school will be hosting the dementors till they capture uh" he stops unable to finish his sentence.

"Sirius Black" Aaliyah interjected yet again ,"till they capture Sirius Black,"

"Yes, well I'd think it would be helpful if someone encounters one" his head turned towards the brunette as if directing his words towards her.

"Now I want everyone to listen, don't use your wands. After me please,Expecto Patronum"

"Expecto Patronum"the class mimicked.

"Good good. First things first I want everyone to  muster the happiest memory they can think of and the happier the memory, the better the charm will work . And it's okay if you don't get it in your first trial." he finished as his eyes met Aaliyah "Miss Snape, would you like to try?"

The witch slightly tensed walking forward, "Sure"

Severus looked up from his work, intrigued. He suppressed a smile knowing that she had learnt the charm last year and being one of the youngest to cast it.

"It's not working" Aaliyah pouted as she looked up at Severus.

Severus' heart melted as he looked at her pouty face. "It's okay Aaliyah, you can try again if you want to" he suggested folding his arms. The 15 year old had barged in the dungeons alongside Amelia and Xena on a Sunday morning deciding to learn the charm. They spent the whole morning doing the spell, yet getting nowhere. Her best-friends were fast asleep on a nearby table having had woken up early due to Aaliyah.

The brunette huffed as she incantated "Expecto Patronum." A white mist exited her wand and a small dog, a pup started chasing around the room as the witch looked at in awe.

Severus' lip twitched into a faint smile,proud of her accomplishment and also due to the animal it had morphed into.

"Expecto Patronum" Aaliyah casted and Remus' and Severus' breathe hitched after seeing the animal that had exited her wand,a wolf.

The class looked at the wolf in admiration. The Gryffindor's brows contorted in confusion after seeing the change in her patronus. The silver figure then playfully started to circle Remus. Screeching of a chair distracted the whole class as they looked at a very agitated Severus walk out of the class. What's his problem, she pondered. A thought popped in her brain, could it be,nah, Remus was her teacher and nothing more. Little did she know that somewhat of the same thought looped in her professor's mind. Remus cleared his throat.

"Alright class, I'm going to pair you so you can practice the spell and let me know if you need any help" he instructed.

The class soon ended and the students started to walk out, some with a grim look on their face not having produced a patronus while majority had a smile plastered in the different approach of teaching.

"That was really impressive Miss Snape" Remus said as he approached the young witch."How was my first day of teaching?"

"Amazing,sir. After years of disastrous teachers, I think you'll stick around." she smiled.

They shared a moment of silence before Aaliyah spoke up "And I'm sorry for lying to you about my name, I actually knew who you were and I know that your friends and my dad didn't get along much I didn't want to weird you out."

"Aaliyah"Remus stepped closer, "It's alright, really. And it wouldn't have mattered to me that you are Severus' daughter, if I'd be weirded out ot'd be because of you not because of who your parent is."

"Gee thanks Remus" she commented sarcastically as Remus let out  a throaty chuckle.

"And I figured it out that you aren't a Stark, seeing that there's only one and you aren't an avenger" he shrugged.

"I didn't know you read comics" she squinted her eyes in surprise as she physically stopped herself from yelling out 'nerd'

"Well" Remus stepped further "You don't know a lot of things about me."

Aaliyah tilted her head upwards towards Remus' taller figure, now realizing the closeness of their body. Remus' hand unconsciously travelled towards the strand of hair sticking to her forehead. He stopped himself after realizing what he was doing and he awkwardly retracted his hand, "T-that will be all Miss Snape" he abruptly shoved his hand to his pocket. "I will see you in class tomorrow."

Aaliyah nodded "Yes sir" she hesitantly walked out of the class.

Remus buried his head in his palms huffing out frustrated as he thought.

What was he going to do?

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