03. the last Hogwarts express

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"That is Sirius Black, that is."- Stan Shunpike.

Sirius Black, possibly the most infamous prisoner ever to be held in Azkaban fortress, is still eluding capture, the Ministry of Magic confirmed today. "We are doing all we can to recapture Black," said the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, this morning, "and we beg the magical community to remain calm." Fudge has been criticised by some members of the International Confederation of Wizards for informing the Muggle Prime Minister of the crisis. "Well, really, I had to, don't you know," said an irritable Fudge. "Black is mad. He's a danger to anyone who crosses him, magic or Muggle. I have the Prime Minister's assurance that he will not breathe a word of Black's true identity to anyone. And let's face it - who'd believe him if he did?" While Muggles have been told that Black is carrying a gun (a kind of metal wand that Muggles use to kill each other), the magical community lives in fear of a massacre like that of twelve years ago, when Black murdered thirteen people with a single curse.

"Are you alright dear?"

Aaliyah looks up at Arthur with a fake but what she thought was a convincing smile. Sirius had finally escape Azkaban the previous month. She couldn't stop but feel guilty, knowing that she couldn't possibly do anything knowing the man's innocence. She had found ways to distract herself from the guilt building up in her whenever she saw that bloody prophet ,Sirius' manic yelling as he's being pulled away . Noticing that Arthur was not nearly convinced with her she decided to speak up.

"I'm fine Mr.Weasley, no need to worry." she lied as she pushed her trolley containing her bags and her owl. She chuckled when came across Molly lecturing Ginny . Noticing eyes on her, the young red-head looked at Aaliyah mouthing 'help me'

'No' the 17 year old mouthed back. She was soon accompanied by the golden trio. In the past years, Aaliyah couldn't help but grow protective of the three kids, whilst the three went to her when they had any sort of troubles. Molly finally came across the brunette.

"Aaliyah dear, please take care of Harry, make sure that he doesn't get into any sort of trouble and don't forget to write to us" she instructed as she cupped the young witch's face.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, "And take care of yourself" Arthur instructed. She nodded as she hugged both the adults. Having spent most oh her summers in The Burrow,Molly and Arthur had declared her a honorary daughter. Before she could go, someone tugged her arm.

"I know something is bothering you Aaliyah, please owl me or Molly whenever you feel. We're there, always" Arthur spoke up.

Aaliyah's lips quivered. Nobody had noticed her guilt-stricken heart in the past month since Sirius escaped. She found little bit of  peace and solace in Yorkshire with Remus, but most of the time the guilt was killing her and nobody seemed to notice,not even Severus. But she knew Severus didn't understand feelings much, so she couldn't blame him for it. It felt nice knowing that someone noticed.

She composed herself. " Thank you" she sighed as she hugged Arthur.


"You spent a night in an unknown man's house!" Oliver's voice bellowed in the closed compartment.

"Yes" Aaliyah deadpanned, shrugging.

"Are you mad?! He could've been a dangerous!"

"Merlin! My dad had the same reaction" Aaliyah stated.

"I wonder why?" Xena's voice lazily spoke up as she didn't even glance up from the book she was reading from.

"Can you believe her?!" Oliver asked no one in particular, ignoring Xena's comment.

"Yes actually"Amelia finally spoke up as she lifted her legs from Aaliyah's lap."She can be dull witted sometimes."

"Sometimes?" Xena drawled.

"Fine,all the time."the blonde corrected herself.

Aaliyah let out an offended 'hey' before the compartment door slided open.

"Is that our favourite 7th yearers tormenting our favourite brunette."

"I think it is George"

"Ah I have missed you guys"Amelia grinned."Care to join?"she asked,not being specific if she had asked them to join in the tormenting or to sit together.

The boys shrugged as they sat on either sides of the blonde.


Halfway through the journey,Aaliyah leaned towards the window placing her head on it sleepily.

"Sacked or death" George's voice broke her out of her sleepy daze.

"Excuse me?"she asked clearly confused."The new DADA professor,you know the post is jinxed" George continued.

"I think he'll res-"before she could continue,Fred piped in "Nope,you can't answer."

"What?Why" she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Because you're always right"Amelia stated."makes the bet boring,when you keep winning all the time and it's quite weird sometimes,how you guess it so precisely."

"Are you a seer?"George asked in awe.

"No George I'm not a-"she stopped herself when the train came to a halt.

"Are we already there"Amelia asked.

"No Ames,I think we've broken down"Xena said as she looked around, closing her book.

Oliver let a feminine shriek as the light went off. The five of them snickered hearing this."It's okay Oliver,it's just the light." Fred cooed sarcastically.

Aaliyah jolted up to her feet as she removed the wand from her boots."I'm going to check out what's going on" The remaining protested with a 'no' and a 'hell no'

"Wusses"Aaliyah snorted as she approached the door, halting when she felt someone holding her wrist."I swear to god Aaliyah,if you dare step a foot out"Xena threatened.

"I'll be fine"she reassured as she got out of the compartment.She walked towards Harry's compartment,she felt chills on her skin due to the sudden cold.She felt as all her happiness was being sucked out of her.Her breathe hitched seeing the cloaked figure outside Ron's compartment.

She thrust her hand forward as she spoke out the incantations "Expecto Patronum."

The cloaked figure flew away quickly as her patronus merged with someone else's. She squinted due to the bright light noticing that the other person's and her patronus were chasing each other playfully. The lights faded,her eyes made contact with those honey brown ones she met a week ago.


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