10- I was sleep-walking

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The brunette confusedly looked back thinking that the accused convict was talking to someone else behind her,
"Me?" she asked skeptically pointing a finger to herself. Sirius stood there gob-smacked, the young witch's demeanor proving that she wasn't the one who he thought she was.

Aaliyah stepped forward, only for Sirius to take a step back cautiously and instinctively gripping the knife in his hand. The witch rolled her eyes at his actions "Siriusly, you're going to stab me?"she quizzically asked sarcasm dripping from her words.

"Might as well" he loosened his grip, "seeing that there's no sense of fear as you make a conversation with a mass murderer and you just used my name as an adverb."

"Please" Aaliyah snorted as she continued "you think too much of yourself "she shrugged "I saw your dog form chase butterflies near the Willow."

The tall black-haired man eyed the witch suspiciously seeing that not many knew of him being an animagus and that too a dog."How did you-"

"I know. I just do, but you need to leave before someone sees you here. It's too dangerous for you to be here."

Sirius opened his mouth to speak, his ears perked up hearing commotion of foot-steps nearby. In an instant he morphed back to his Animagus form, glancing at the brunette before he ran in the opposite direction. The witch looked around for Peeves knowing that he was around, not wanting the poltergeist to rat her out to Dumbledore, or worse her dad.

Aaliyah sprinted a few steps down, not wanting anyone to be suspicious as she joined the gryffindors. After a while she detached from the group searching for that damned rat, she scurried the long halls using the light from her wand, ignoring the complaining paintings on the wall. She was so lost in the task that she didn't realize the approaching footsteps.

"Aaliyah?"Remus spoke, "What are you doing wandering around with a mass murderer on the loose?!" the witch snapped her heads up as she looked at Remus who had lowered his wand and looked at the girl to answer his question.

"I was sleep-walking"

On the other side of the castle, Xena looked around "Can you feel that?"

"Feel what?" Amelia questioned as she looked at her friend in concern, Ginny and Luna who were walking next to the blonde too looked up.

"I just have this feeling that Liyah is being a dumbass somewhere"she shrugged as Amelia covered Ginny and Luna's ears for the ravenclaw's use of words.

"There are children here!" she fake yelled. Soon, realization hit her that they hadn't seen the brunette since the feast.

"Son of a bitch."

"You don't say" Remus gestured towards her wand as light still lit up the tip. "Nox" her voice sounded almost defeated.

"Follow me Miss.Snape" Remus instructed as he walked towards his office.

Aaliyah kept regretting her choice of words and well her dumbassery as she trudged behind the taller man. She had always mocked Harry for his tendency of being dense, 'well well well how the turntables' she thought.

Remus opened the door to his office, the witch following him in. "Tea?" he asked as he neared his desk. "Sure" she smiled, sitting down on a nearby chair. She took in the interior of the office, noticing the changes it had from the previous year.

"I've only got teabags, I'm afraid " he apologized. "That's alright" the brunette brushed it off. She breathed a thanks as he leaned down to offer the cup. Remus then pulled a chair and sat directly in front of her, he sighed with his elbow on his knee and his back hunching as he bent. The brunette shifted as she felt Remus' eyes on her.

 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐑 ✭ascendance to powerWhere stories live. Discover now