13- you know you love us

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Aaliyah's  eyes sprung open gasping for air, she looked around frantically after spluttering out the frosty rainwater from the undying storm, trying to identify her surroundings. She was still on the pitch, what had happened? The last thing she remembered was being attacked by the dementors.

"Harry", the brunette rasped out as jolting her head sideways, trying to locate the young boy. His pale looking figure was lying a few feet away from her.

She tried to get up and get to him, but her breathe tethered not being able to move a muscle down her left knee. Using the full support of her hands she tried to get off her butt, groaning she struggled to put most of her body weight on her wobbly working leg. Finally getting up, she tried walking, while dragging her injured leg.

Her right leg twisted, but in an instant, she felt arms wrapping around her waist.

"Hey, easy there" Remus mumbled as he tried to support most of her body weight.

"Harry, I-I need to get to him" she panicked as she looked at Remus' drenched face "He's just a child!"

"Its okay, he's okay" the light-haired man reassuringly cupped her cheek with his free hand, his worried eyes searching hers. "A-are you alright?"

"I-I can't feel my leg"her voice stuttered either from the numbness or from the shock.

Remus pulled her body closer, "Move!" Severus' voice hollered, pushing people out of his way. He was quickly on his feet having had seen the massive fall, panic filling his body, he just hoped that she was alright.

"Step aside from her!" he growled at Remus, coercively replacing the other mans hand with his own. Aaliyah whimpered by the rough gripping of her waist.

"Careful!" Remus scolded hearing the witch's pain, it took every ounce of his body to not hold her back.

"I'm sorry" Severus immediately apologized to his daughter. "Can you walk?"

The softness in his old schoolmates voice, slightly astonished Remus. He had almost never heard him so comforting and caring towards another human being.

"N-no, I'm sorry" Aaliyah sniveled. Without any hesitation he picked her up , rushing towards the castle yelling at anyone in his way.

"Keep your eyes open" he ordered, as his cloak swished as he strode.

"I can't" she whispered, slowly drifting to the darkness.


"Is she alive?"

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"Is she alive?"

"Don't be ridiculous Ronald."

"Ouch,Amelia that was my foot"

Faint voices surrounded Aaliyahs figure, as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Hey dumbass" Xena stroked a strand of hair away from the lying brunettes head before Amelia smacked the back of her head, for the choice of word.

"Harry?" the young chaser grumbled, shifting her weight on the fluffed pillow as she yet again searched the young boy.

After the previous incidents, it had come to her realization of how young Harry actually was and the traumatic events that he had to endure in the upcoming years. This had brought a sense of protectiveness in her towards the third yearer.

"He's alright,just resting" Xena comforted.

"You gave us all quite a fright there, Al" George massaged her hand.

"Especially your dad, he threatened to hex anyone who wanted to meet you, and  he went off on Dumbledore about the dementors, mental he was" Ron exclaimed as he sat down on a nearby chair.

"Did you get my firebolt" the brunette tried to talk.

"Yes,actually" Ginny spoke up, "Professor Lupin got it, he stayed here most of the time and he only left when Professor Snape was around."

Her lip curled up into a feeble smile by Ginny's words which didn't go overlooked by Xena.

"Oliver?" the chaser asked worriedly.

"Still in the showers," said Fred. "We think he's trying to drown himself."

"Ollie's just being dramatic" Amelia rolled her eyes, "And Snapey didn't let us get in, soo we had to sneak in" she informed.

"Neville's our lookout" Hermione incredulously replied, she was on edge having had disobeyed a teacher's direct order.

"Yeah" Neville agreed as he concernedly looked at his senior's injured form.

Everyone's head deliberately turned towards the voice's direction.

Amelia took in a breath "Neville, sweetheart. How long have you been standing here!?"

"From when we entered" Neville shrugged, "Why?Oh" his eyes widened in realization.

As if on cue, the hospital door flew open as the young students immediately dashed towards the door and past their potions master, leaving Amelia and Xena.

"Sup?" Xena nodded towards Severus.

"Don't you both have classes to attend to" he drawled out towards his students "Leave"

"No" the duo synched.

"I would like to talk to my daughter alone" Severus spoke up in his usual tone

Reluctantly the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw sauntered away.

"You know you love us" Amelia stated before Xena pulled her away.

"Imbecile" Severus mumbled to their retreating figure.

As soon as the hospital door, Severus expression softened. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine, just tired that's all" she adjusted herself comfortably on the bed.

"Don't ever do that again"he ordered sternly.


"Scare me to death" Severus answered, walking towards the headboard as he kissed the top of her head. "Take care"

She closed her eyes in content, at the small gesture of affection.

"I will"

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