32- he probably will kill him

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Aaliyah jolted from her spot and towards the older man's direction, who was groaning with his hand suppressing the spot where the spell had hit him.

She cupped his face in her trembling hands, wordlessly asking if he were okay. Remus held her waist on either side nodding profusely, his face mirroring her reaction.

Fear and shock.

"Don't touch her!" the attacker growled.

In an instant the brunette placed herself in front of the older man, her hand (which was her only form of defense, as she didn't carry her wand) reflexively and cautiously raised towards the attacker's direction while her other arm lightly grasped Remus' thigh to push him more behind her, a form of protection seeing that the attacker didn't like Remus.

Her breathe shuddered as she looked at the attacker, due to the suddenness of the whole ordeal she hadn't given any attention to identifying the voice of the person standing opposite of her, his eyes were bloodshot and if looks could kill Remus was sure that he would be six feet under. The attacker's hand had turned pale on how firmly he was holding his wand, not giving heed to how menacing and scary he was looking in front of the brunette.

"Dad", Aaliyah's quivery voice echoed as cautiousness tainted her tone.

Severus had followed his daughter who had bolted towards the castle's direction, concern getting the best of him as he watched how distressed and panicked she looked.

Severus blasted another spell towards the man whom he had just caught snogging his daughter; disregarding the fact that Aaliyah was shielding him, too blinded by his goal of causing major bodily harm to his arch-nemesis. But, Remus was fast enough to push the brunette out of harm's way noticing that her only form of the shield was her hands, nevertheless, he was ready to block the casted spell.

"Severus" Remus tried to reason "Let us explain"

"I told you to stay away from her!" the potion master's edge of irritation had returned, his chest burning with rage.


But before she could say anything to stop him, Severus started throwing spell after spell at Remus, who deflected it with ease, while also trying to calm his co-worker's raging fury.

"Dad, please...stop" the brunette tried to intervene, but the two dueling men barely acknowledged her. Severus was too busy letting his anger get ahold of his being, whereas Remus was trying with all his might to avoid the curses, while just defending himself and not reciprocating any spells back; her words were useless.

Remus tried to walk over to Severus, managing to yet again dodge the spells coming out of his wand "Can you please just hear us out?!"

"I don't care Lupin," he said in a dangerously low tone "I won't let a dangerous beast like yourself be anywhere near my daughter"

"He's like literally standing next to me" Aaliyah furrowed her eyebrows only earning an incredulous glare from Remus, a way of indicating that this wasn't the time for technicalities.

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you" Severus seethed before a manic glint engrossed his eyes "Or I could just owl the ministry telling how you forced a student into having a non-consented relationshi-,"

Severus flew back as his front was hit by a spell, but it was the last person he was expecting it from.

Remus gawked in shock at the witch, who seemed to have just thrown him away while using wandless magic. "What? I panicked" she tried to defend herself, while also hating how false Severus' words were.

The dark-haired man got back to his feet, assuming that it was Remus who had just attacked him he quickly took the advantage of the werewolf's distraction by throwing another spell at him. Aaliyah's eyes widened, without thinking twice she pushed the amber-eyed man out of the spell's direction, making the curse hit her instead.

"NO!!" Remus' blood ran cold as he watched the brunette fly across the room and hit the book-shelf behind the DADA professor's workspace.

The brunette opened and closed her mouth in shock at what had just happened. But beyond the shock, there was also pain. She had tumbled down to the floor by the shelf, with her arms flying out instinctively hoping that her hand's inadvertent magic could prevent her fall, but due to her back's impact, an audible crack was heard from her spine as she fell into the jagged shards of glass. Only now did she feel the searing, stinging pain that ran throughout the majority of her vertebral area.

Dazed and disoriented, she looked up from the bright red blood pulsing out of glass splattered arm and an almost disoriented back into Remus' terrified eyes.

"C-come on love, look at me," he said, holding her bloodied hands in his while cupping her cheeks with the other.

"R-Rem" she grumbled, breathing heavily and looking at his light amber eyes with her frightened one.

Severus on the other hand was glued to his spot, as horror and shock of what he had just done. With shuddering breathe and a numb mind he took slow steps towards the duo, dreading.

When Remus felt the dark-haired man nearing, he was fast enough to point his wand towards him as he seethed "Stay away from her!!"

Severus stopped in his tracks as a sudden sob erupted in his throat, his line of view finally falling on his battered daughter and it was all his fault; the worst part was that a sick part of his brain had somehow presented her injured form look like the sweet 12-year-old who had crawled up and broken the hard shell which he had created as a protective cover for his heart. The sweet 12-year old with who gave him a reason to try harder and now the sweet 12-year-old had blood seeping through almost every part of her body.

"It hurts Remus" she deadpanned, too much in pain to even cry.

"What hurts, love?" Remus' voice broke as he tried to not lose his composure.


"I-it's going be alright, o-okay? Poppy, she'll uh she'll fix you up" the older man rambled. "I-I'm going to pick you up, okay?"

Aaliyah barely nodded, but before Remus could even lift her, she let out a pained scream.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?!" Remus' voice was soothing underlying fear and urgency.

"I-I nnh, I can't 'm s-s-sorry" the brunette's voice shook and the older man almost cried hearing her pained sobs "I-it h-h-hurts"

Remus held a breath in to suppressthe sob that quaked his throat, and he went straight into a panic mode when hesaw her closing her eyes; Severus' and Poppy's muffled footsteps reaching her ears became distant as she succumbed into the darkness.

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