22-tranformation after-care

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Unlike many other nights, the sweet slumber didnt attach itself upon her.

Every full moon night was and is a futile tussle of conflicting thoughts
'I don't want to sleep, not when he's not okay' Aaliyah thought as she sat outside Remus chambers, her back against the door. Waiting for a sign, just a sign that he's transformed back to his human form and praying that nobody sees her and sends her back to the dorm.

But luck didn't seem to be on her side as she heard the muffled footsteps of two people getting closer. Without wasting a second, she wrapped the invisibility cloak which she had borrowed from Harry.

She labored her breathing as the commotion got nearer, silently cursing after seeing the owner of the footsteps, Snuffles.

Hauling the cloak of her figure; causing the dog to stretch its front paw in defense whilst gritting its teeth; the brunette whisper yelled "Snuffles?!"

The canine looked at his surroundings before it transformed back from its animagus form. Sirius opens his mouth to speak but Aaliyah beats him to it.

"What are you doing here?!" she scolded lowly  as she tugged on Sirius bony hand, pulling him to an empty and much darker hallway and away from Remus' chambers.

"Well hello to you too pup" the older man retorted sarcastically.

"I'm being sirius , Serious" she snapped back. Sirius narrows his eyes in amusement as he noticed the brunette's  face slowly contort into that of confusion of her previous sentence "Wait, that's not...the point is" Aaliyah digressed the subject
"It's dangerous for you to be here !"

"But that bitc-", "That doesn't matter right now, you're breaking into the castle and scaring the kids Sirius, scaring Harry! Now we don't want that, do we?" she raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"No" Sirius mumbled like a guilty child.

"Good" she stated relieved and a little astounded that a man-child like him agreed to her reasonings and didn't be, well...himself, "And as of Peter, you'll have your way with him I assure you. Now, leave before someone sees you"

Aaliyah stumbles a bit as the older man pulls her in for a hug, "and maybe take a shower".
Sirius furrows his eyebrows in mock offense "Kidding" the witch continued
"Take care"

"You too pup" he smiled heartfully before he transformed back to his animagus form.


The brunette's knuckle tapped gently on the wooden door, "Remus?"
Everything on the other side of the door was consumed with sudden silence, whatever ruckus that was being caused stopped.

She knocked again, unknown to the sob formed in her throat  "Love, please open up"
When there was no answer from the other side,
"I'm coming in" she declared.

Before her cold hands could turn the knob, the door opened deliberately, with Remus laying on the three steps that led to his work desk, with his wand in his hand which he had used to open the door.

It took everything in her body to not cry out as her glossy eyes scanned, three paw marks scrawled on his bare chest. She took hasty steps forward, as her wobbly knees bent down. "H-how?" was all that she could conjure up from her mouth, thinking millions of reasons why the wolfsbane didn't work.

"I-I forgot to take it" he guiltily looked down "I was supposed to take it this morning"

"Remus!" she exclaimed lowly. She sucked in a breath, deciding that this wasn't the right time to reprimand him , as he needed medical attention.

"Can you walk till the Hospital wing?" she held on to his uninjured arm.

"No" he moaned, shifting painfully on his seat as he tried to sit up.

"Hey, hey" the witch held his face "Lets get you to your bed okay? "

Remus nodded as Aaliyah helped him up, supporting half of his weight by holding his waist as he kept stumbling every step groaning in pain.

She carefully plops him down on the yellowish duvet. Remus shifts as he moves his body so that he was in a sitting position with his back and head pressed against the headboard. The bed dipped ever so lightly as Aaliyah sat next to him, dittany in hand.

"It's going to sting a little bit" she rasped out, as she starts pouring the dittany drops on his chest and torso. She searched for any cloth lying around, as she didn't find any she bites the sleeve of her robe, tearing a piece of it and she started rubbing it gently on the marks, not taking her eyes off of it once. Her heart broke hearing his winces.
"It's okay, it's okay" she kept cooing multiple times as she rubbed the wounds.

She looked up when she felt his eyes on her, which she had ignored the first few minutes, too engrossed in her work and her main priority being him.

Remus straightened his back as he hastily pulled her closer by her waist. Startled by the action, Aaliyah jerks forward, looking down as her left-hand falls on his shoulders and the other one on his chest, which she retracted immediately, not wanting to hurt him even more.

His silky-smooth hands travel to her chin, gently pulling it up as he studies her feature, adoring how angelic she looked. Her cheeks taint a faded shade of red from his gaze, she dismissed the idea of looking in his eyes because she knew if she did she wouldn't be able to back out.

But she did it anyway.

As they locked their eyes with each other, they felt the same belongingness they felt the first time they kissed and the time in the hospital wing.

Remus beheld her with the same look of adulation, his hands which were caressing her cheeks now grasped the nape of her neck, pulling her lips to his desperate ones.

Their lips lightly brushed each others, ceasing their heavy breathing to  steady shallow, and rhythmic.

"Merlin, you're gorgeous" he whispers as his needy lips search for her, which she denies again with a smug smile on her face.

"Easy there wolfie" she comments against his mouth causing Remus to chuckle "What did you just call me?"

Before she could answer, he holds the side of her face tilting it ever so slightly as his lips left chaste kisses on her neck, the witch unknowingly arches her neck to give him more access. He gave a needy bite causing the brunette to let out a sudden yelp. Remus' hands slither to her thighs, gripping it and practically hopping her on his as he continued showering her neck with wet kisses.

"No" she whispered cupping his face and pulling it away from her neck, "You're hurt" her worried eyes were searching  his"You need to rest"

Remus gave a slight nod as he shifted back into the bed. Aaliyah sighed, getting off the bed. Before she could leave, she felt a tug on her wrist.

"Please don't leave"

"Never" she smiled.

 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐑 ✭ascendance to powerWhere stories live. Discover now