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Jun strolled through the streets of Konoha, which were slowly coming to life. She didn't want to go back to Kakashi and tell him what had happened that night and who was now going in search of Sasuke.

She didn't want to see the look on his face that would probably break her heart, because she knew he would blame himself the most for not having done more to stop him.

But she also knew that she had to tell him because eventually he would surely find out from someone else and that would only make things worse and that's exactly why, she turned around and went straight home.

With a shaky hand she opened the door and slowly took off her shoes and she could already hear Kakashi doing something in the kitchen. She didn't even try to hide that she was there, because after all he probably noticed it before she even opened the door.

With slow steps she went into the kitchen and dropped on one of the kitchen chairs, before she buried her face in her hands and didn't bring a word over her lips.

She only heard Kakashi put a cup of coffee in front of her and sit down on the chair right next to her, while he gave her all the time in the world to sort out her thoughts and wait for her to talk to him.

With a shaky hand she took the cup and took a small sip before looking to him with tears in her eyes and now she started to tell him what all had happened during the night and what decision Tsunade had made.

Kakashi just sat there and listened to her in silence. And even if he wanted to say something, he wouldn't bring anything over his lips, because it shocked him that he couldn't stop Sasuke from going this way.

But in return he also knew how powerful the urge for revenge could be and once you had these thoughts in your head, you would never get them out again. At least not until you had reached your actual goal.

And that's why they both just sat at the table in silence while Jun couldn't stop crying, feeling like she had completely failed and like it was her fault that Sasuke had chosen this path in the end.

She didn't even have hope that Shikamaru and the others would really manage to get him back to the village and if they came back home without him, Sasuke would be considered their enemy and that was a thought she couldn't bear.

All the hope she had that things would get better in a few days and they could return to their old routine fizzled out within seconds and now they had to face the fact that they probably wouldn't see Sasuke again for a long time.

"You know this isn't your fault or mine, right?", Kakashi broke the silence and reached for her hand to squeeze it gently and then pull her onto his lap.

"No one could have stopped Sasuke from these thoughts and no one could have prevented him from leaving the village at some point. Not even I could have done anything, because we can't stay with him all the time.", he stroked her back soothingly as Jun snuggled up to him and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

"I feel so guilty. If only I had talked to him about it again and told him myself that revenge wasn't the way to go. Maybe I could have stopped him in the end. Maybe I could have done something to keep him from running off to Orochimaru," she sobbed softly, squeezing her eyes tightly shut.

She didn't even want to think about what might happen if he found himself in Orochimaru's clutches. She could only roughly imagine what he might do to him and how he would convince him that this was the only way for Sasuke to get revenge on his brother.

𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ・K. Hatake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now