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When Jun's alarm clock rang the next morning, she had absolutely no desire to get up. She had been in bed way too late and that was now taking revenge as she couldn't even really get her eyes open.

She tried to get out of Kakashi's grip without waking him up and when she slowly took his arm from her hip, she only felt him turn to the other side and mumble something to himself.

The events of yesterday were still deep in her mind and after rubbing her eyes for a moment, she peeled herself out of bed and took the clothes she had already prepared yesterday and quietly walked out of the bedroom.

It was only a little after three in the morning and she didn't know why Tsunade wanted her and Genma to pick up things for her so early, but apparently these things seemed to be of such importance that they couldn't wait until morning.

Jun made herself a coffee after she showered and got ready, while she looked out the small window in the kitchen, watching the sun rise very slowly over Konoha.

She had never been someone who liked to get up in the morning. Whereas you could actually say that this was actually still the middle of the night and that made it all the more difficult for her to get going.

But she had to do her duty as a Shinobi and even if that would mean getting up at this hour to do some things for the Hokage.

Jun was glad that she didn't have to do this alone and after finishing her coffee, she went to the bedroom once more and leaned over Kakashi to give him a goodbye kiss on his cheek before heading to the meeting place.


"It's already four o'clock in the morning. The fifth Hokage is a real slave driver. She ought to retrieve the documents she forgot herself.", Genma spoke in a tired voice and Jun just nodded slowly to him while trying not to drop the pile of books and papers.

"The only thing worse is that we had to get up so early to get those papers.", she muttered softly, trying to stifle a yawn before raising an eyebrow as Genma suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?"

"Hey, wake up! You'll catch a cold if you sleep in a place like this.", he spoke and when Jun saw who was lying there on the bench, she dropped her things on the ground and ran straight to Sakura.

"Sasuke!", Sakura cried out loud as she regained consciousness and Jun almost stumbled back as she was a tiny bit startled and with a confused look, she looked first at Genma and then back at Sakura.

"Hey. It's okay Sakura. What happened?"

"Jun-Sensei.", she mumbled softly as she realized Jun was kneeling in front of her and immediately she threw herself into her arms and started crying while Jun just knelt on the floor not knowing what was going on.

She had never seen Sakura so upset and all of a sudden she could feel that something must have happened between her and Sasuke that had thrown her completely off track.

A strange and scary feeling spread through her and she couldn't even guess what might have happened and most of all she couldn't make sense of why Sakura would be sleeping here of all places.

Jun knew, however, that she couldn't leave her here alone and so she lifted Sakura up into her arms and pressed her gently against her as she clung to her and she walked with her to the Hokage's office.

𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ・K. Hatake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now