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A sharp pain jolted Jun from her sleep. At first she thought she had dreamed it, but then she felt nails digging into her skin at her hip and for a small moment she yelped in pain before turning her head around and opening her eyes.

Kakashi seemed to be having a nightmare, because his eyes were squinted shut and he was muttering something in his sleep.

For a brief moment, Jun glanced at him from the side before taking his hand from her hip and turning around to face him.

She stroked his cheek soothingly, hoping that maybe he would calm down, but it almost only made the situation worse.

He put his arm around her and pressed her tightly against him. So tight that she was about to run out of air.

"Kakashi...", she murmured softly and when he didn't respond, she gently shook his shoulder and bit her lower lip.

"No...air...!", and that's when he jerked his eyes open and looked into Jun's almost pained face.

His grip loosened a little, but neither of them said anything. Jun looked into his eyes and could see the pain and fear in them. She could well imagine what he had been dreaming about.

The expression on his face almost broke her heart, so she just silently hugged him and stroked his hair soothingly.

His grip around her tightened again, but not like before, and he buried his face in the crook of her neck as she heard a soft sniffle from him.

If she could, she would take the pain and the memory away from him. She knew how excruciating something like that could be and she had known for quite some time how much he struggled with that pain.

However, the expression on his face was something she never wanted to see again. This sadness, this pain, this anger...it was something she had never seen so extreme and so clear in him before.

She knew he was suffering from the losses and from the guilt he gave himself, but he wasn't to blame for any of these things.

 "You know...", she began to speak softly now while she slid her hand to his neck and massaged it lightly.

"You are not to blame for all that has happened to you. You're not to blame for your father's death or Obito's death or Rin's death. Nothing about it was your fault and I know these memories must be hell for you. You lost so many people so early who meant so much to you. Who were your family. It's not your fault though.", she whispered softly, leaning her cheek against his head and closing her eyes.

"You're here and you're alive. The people you lost wouldn't want you to suffer like this and live your life in guilt and grief. You suffered enough. It's time to start living the life they would have wanted for you.", she continued talking and she felt the tight grip loosen a little and he started to relax a tiny bit.

"If I would lose you...", he started but his voice broke and he only buried his face more, almost as if he wanted to crawl into her.

"You won't lose me, dummy. I told you I'll stay by your side and I don't intend to let you alone, now that we're together.", she said with a slight smile, but she felt that she couldn't convince Kakashi of that and that his fear was bigger than anything else right now, but then he noticed the nail marks on her hip and looked at Jun in shook.

"Don't look at me like that.", and now she placed his head between her breasts because she knew that this was the only way she got him distracted from everything what's messing with his head right now.

"First...it's nothing. You were clinging to me when you had a bad dream and seconds...you're obsessed with my breasts right? So take the chance that you get to be in between right now.", now she giggled softly as Kakashi gently bit her left breast and looked up at her.

"It would be better if you didn't have a shirt on.", and finally she could distract him from his absurd dark thoughts with that.

𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ・K. Hatake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now