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Jun was chained to a kind of stake and more and more Swords, Kunais and Shuriken pierced her body. By now her head was hanging down and she had no strength left to move even a muscle in her body.

She was fully aware that she was in a Genjutsu, but she had never experienced anything like this before.

And yet, sometimes she thought that this place she was in was so horrible that no one could ever make something like this up.

Why would Itachi torture her in such a place? Why would he do such things to her just because she had the same last name as him.

She felt the pain clearly and it was driving her crazy. She wanted this agony to stop, but she knew she couldn't do anything but endure it.

Whenever her wounds healed, they were torn open again and even crying was difficult for her by now, so she kept sighing in pain while no tears came out of her eyes.

"We have 23 hours, 44 Minutes and 53 seconds left.", Itachi's voice rang out from the distance and Jun now slightly lifted her head and clenched her teeth.

"Please...", she murmured pleadingly.

"I can switch you too if you want.", and now a second stake appeared next to her, with Kakashi chained on it.

"NO!", she screamed now with the last of her strength and slowly shook her head, not realizing anymore that this wasn't real.

"I want to test something.", Itachi appeared in front of her and started to torture Kakashi the same way he had tortured Jun before.

Again and again she screamed for him to stop. She heard Kakashi's bitter cries and couldn't believe that he had now dragged him into her hell as well.

Again and again she watched as he was pierced and the blood ran onto the floor. But with him the wounds did not heal and full of worry for him, she tried with her last strength to free herself from the clutches of the chains.

She fell to the ground and crawled exhausted to the stake to which Kakashi was tied. She picked herself up by holding onto his legs and when she was more or less upright, she carefully slid her hands over his wounds, trying to heal them.

However, her hands and clothes stained with his blood and more and more tears streamed down her cheeks.

Deep inside Jun knew she was in a Genjutsu and that Itachi was just playing his games with her, but seeing Kakashi like this, even if it wasn't real, broke her heart.

All she was ever afraid of was that he would get hurt. She would rather suffer even more than to see him lying in her arms and his blood wetting her clothes.

"Don't die, Kashi. Please.", she muttered softly as she tried to stop the bleeding, but to no avail.

"STOP IT!", she now shouted in Itachi's direction, but he only watched the scenario in front of him and slowly shook his head.

Kakashi, on the other hand, fell silent by now and Jun looked up at him and saw the life slowly fading from his eyes. He had lost far too much blood and in this state he wouldn't be able to last much longer.

Jun tried everything in her power to help him, but it was no use. There was nothing she could do and all at once her eyes started to burn again and she had to blink more and more often and faster and faster.

Itachi loosened the chains around Kakashi and he fell directly into her arms. She sat on the floor with him now and stroked his cheek while her eyes started to bleed and she could barely see anything. She just looked at him and stroked his cheek with her fingers.

𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ・K. Hatake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now