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"KAKASHI! Someone's knocking on your door!", Jun yelled from the kitchen as she prepared the belated breakfast for the two of them, but of course he didn't hear her and so she went into the bathroom and ripped open the shower curtain.

"Kakashi...someone's knocking on your door.", she repeated again, biting her lower lip when she saw his bare back and butt.

"Open the door then?", he asked a little amused and now Jun pointed down at herself and had to laugh softly.

"I only have your shirt on and no underwear. You are aware of that right?", he just nodded and she closed the shower curtain and the door to the bathroom again and went to the front door to open it.

But she had not expected what she saw. In front of her stood Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura and the three looked just as confused and a little shocked as Jun.

That was the reason why she didn't want to open the door and certainly not in these clothes. Even though they were still kids in a way, she could see from Sakura's expression that she knew exactly what was going on here and Jun's cheeks immediately turned red before she let the three of them into Kakashi's house, holding the shirt by the hem so it would just not slide up.

"Um...what are you guys doing here?", she asked now a bit confused and the three of them already took off their shoes and walked into the living room as a matter of course.

"We're here to train with Kakashi-Sensei. Chunin exams are soon, right?", Naruto said excitedly and Jun nodded slowly before excusing herself briefly and quickly running into Kakashi's bedroom.

"What...", he stood in front of his closet, dressed only in a towel and just looking for some clothes, before looking to Jun who was searching his drawers for some shorts.

"Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke are sitting in your living room and they saw me like that.", she mumbled a little hysterically and when she found some matching shorts, she quickly put them on and then looked at Kakashi.

"I told you it's not a good idea to answer the door.", but before she could panic, Kakashi put his arms around her and pulled her close before placing a soft and long kiss on her lips.

"It's okay after all. We have our date tonight and I mean...", he started to grin now and put his hands on her lower back before pulling her a little bit more towards him and placing kisses all over her face.

"It's not like we're just going to sleep together and that's it, right?", Jun shook her head without commenting and then she leaned into him and took a deep breath.

"I'll make breakfast for all of us. Good thing I cooked more rice.", she said now with a grin and gave him another little kiss on his lips before she went back into the living room and looked at the three kids, who of course were fighting again.

"Okay okay. Shut up now! I'll make us breakfast and if I hear you guys fighting one more time, I'm kicking you out!", the three of them fell silent right away and Jun went into the kitchen and started cooking some more before Sakura came up beside her and helped her chop the vegetables.

"Jun-Sensei? Are you two together?", she asked now and Jun looked to Sakura and shrugged her shoulders slightly.

"I don't know. I guess we still have to talk about it.", she just said and Sakura had to grin broadly.

"I knew it, Jun-Sensei. I saw it when you two kept looking at each other. I was wondering when you were finally going to get together.", now Jun actually had to grin and put her hand on Sakura's head, waving through her hair a little.

"Make sure you don't cut yourself and stop talking about it so much.", she said now with a grin and started to continue making the miso soup before she heard Kakashi already being with the boys and reprimanding them for seeming to get annoyed again.

At first, Jun was afraid that the kids would find it strange if they knew that something was developing between her and Kakashi. 

But Sasuke and Naruto didn't seem to care and Sakura seemed to be happy about it or did she actually expect it?

However, Jun didn't want it to affect her work as a Jonin, because that was exactly the next thing she was afraid of in the end. She knew she should worry less, because they hadn't even talked about anything yet.

They had had the opportunity today, but Kakashi insisted that they would talk about it today on their date, which was okay with her, and yet she couldn't shake all these negative thoughts that were spreading through her head.

"Jun-Sensei? The soup.", Sakura snapped her out of her thoughts and she nodded with a slight smile on her lips and started to put everything on the dining table.

"So Kakashi-Sensei...will you train with us today? Please.", Naruto begged as they all sat at the table and began to eat.

"I can't today, Naruto. Jun and I are going out to eat.", and just as Jun was slurping some of her soup, she looked to Kakashi and tilted her head a little.

"But not until 6 or 7 tonight, right? If they want to go to the exams, then they have to train too.", she interfered now and Kakashi gave her a slightly annoyed look, which made her laugh.

"Okay okay. But only a few hours. Like I said, Jun and I have plans for today.", he said and the kids eyes lit up now and everyone started to eat happily, except Kakashi who refused to eat in front of everyone but he promised Jun to eat later once the kids would be gone.

She waited until everyone had finished eating and then started clearing the table while the three of them stayed for a moment before going home once more to get ready for training.

Jun, on the other hand, started washing everything up while Kakashi also put on his Jonin clothes and then wrapped his arms around her from behind and gently kissed her neck.

Jun got goosebumps at his gentle touch, but she didn't think of stopping and so she continued to rinse all the plates and pots, giggling softly as she felt Kakashi's hand slide under the shirt she had on.

"How am I ever going to stop touching you huh? You're making it damn hard for me.", he murmured against her ear before he started to nibble on the shell of her ear.

"Stop it, Kakashi. You've got training with the kids and besides...until we talk to each other about all this and the fronts are settled, my body is off limits.", she took his hands away with a grin and when she turned around to face him, she saw him bring his lower lip forward in a pout.

"Don't pout. You'll just have to wait until tonight and then...who knows.", she gave him a soft kiss on his cheek before pulling his mask up and starting to dry off all the things.

"You can go ahead, when I go home I'll close the door behind me. And I'll bring you back the clothes here tomorrow or Monday after I wash them.", she started to speak but Kakashi now gave her a slap on her butt which made her squeal and she turned to him indignantly.

"Keep the clothes. They suit you.", he now put on his shoes and vest before raising his left hand in farewell and then leaving the house afterwards.

Jun made sure she had everything tidied up and cleaned. Even if this wasn't her home, she at least had to clean up the mess she had made and for a small moment she almost felt wistful as she went into the bedroom and gathered her things.

Today they would finally talk to each other about all the things that were unspoken in the room. She didn't know how the conversation would end and she didn't know where this conversation would take her.

She felt so damn comfortable with Kakashi and even though they were probably two steps ahead, since they had already slept together, it wasn't a given that they would go on to something more serious.

She wished it, because this feeling of being so close to him, physically as well as emotionally, was something she wouldn't want to miss anymore.

She also didn't know if they both could still be normal with each other, even if the date today wouldn't go the way she wanted it to. She shook her head slowly, trying to banish all the negativity from her mind before picking up her high heels and walking out of his apartment.

𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ・K. Hatake x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt