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Naruto was pretty damn excited when they all left the village, only Tazuna didn't seem to be that convinced of the group yet, because he just shook his head and debated with himself if it had been a good decision to agree to go home with this group.

"Hey. Am I really okay with this squirt?", he asked angrily directed at Kakashi, who now had to laugh, but probably more because of Naruto's excitement.

"We're both Jonin. We'll be watching him. There's no need to worry.", he replied and Naruto already started with his triad.

"Hey, old man! Don't be mocking Ninjas so much. I'm awesome, believe it! I'm a super elite Ninja who will be called Hokage one day! My name's Naruto Uzumaki. Remember it well!", Jun just rolled her eyes and leaned her arm on Sasuke's head as she watched the spectacle.

"What did I do to deserve this.", she muttered and Sasuke took away her arm from his head and rolled his eyes.

"Ask me. I've had to work with him for a week now.", he grumbled.

It was remarkable what kind of relationship Jun had built with Sasuke. After she told him that she was also an Uchiha and possessed the Sharingan, he couldn't believe it at first. But she also told him everything about her life, which she had led before she came into this world.

She even showed him pictures of her parents and the Tattoo she wore on her shoulder.

It took him a while to understand and in the end, he seemed glad not to be the only one from his Clan left. They were growing together, just like she did with Naruto and that made her so damn happy. It was like she had two little brothers to take care of at all costs.

Sakura on the other hand...well she was a girl. She was head over heels in love with Sasuke and she showed it to him every spare second. At least she tried, which only led to Sasuke getting more and more annoyed with her and giving her the cold shoulder.

But she was just the typical girl and some days, Jun found her behavior absolutely cute and on other days...she would love to wring her neck.

But what the group didn't know at this point was, that this escort would be no ordinary one and the secret Tazuna carried was more dangerous than they could guess.

"Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura, you stay in front while Tazuna is in the middle and Jun and I cover the back. Pay attention and keep your senses sharp.", Kakashi ordered and everyone set off in the formation.

"So...how was your mission?", Kakashi asked addressing Jun, who now crossed her arms behind her head and sighed softly.

"Except the excessive drinking in the evening, everything went smoothly. We got the bandit camp out of the way quickly.", she replied, closing her eyes for a moment.

"You were with Anko, Genma, Hayate and Takahashi, weren't you?", and Jun replied with just a slight nod.

"No wonder you didn't get a decent night's sleep then.", as malicious as the sentence came across to Jun, Kakashi didn't even want to make it sound that way, however jealousy rose up in him again and there was absolutely nothing he could do to dampen the feeling.

𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ・K. Hatake x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن