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The fight against Zabuza was long and draining. For all of them. Jun's shoulder was injured, but the cut she received from his sword was fortunately not deep and after Kakashi stitched it in place, she picked herself up and straightened her clothes.

"Don't you think that weird Ninja who appeared out of nowhere was strange?", Jun asked as they started to leave again, since Tazuna had offered them to spend the night in his house as long as they would take care of him.

"Maybe. But maybe not. He was dead in any case, and that's all that matters. If the village really wants him back, then it was only good that they took him with them.", Kakashi replied and now they finally arrived inside the village and Jun looked around for a store.

"Tazuna, can you tell me where to go? I need to buy some clothes because I don't have my backpack with me.", she asked him and he told her the way to his house before Jun said goodbye to the others and went to a store to buy some fresh clothes and underwear because who knows how long this mission would end up going.

When she arrived at the store, she first took a backpack from the shelf that she would need for the next few days and while she picked out some simple shirts, shorts and sweatpants in her size, she looked at herself in the mirror and sighed softly.

She didn't mind how she looked and whether she was full of dirt or not. But seeing herself in the mirror like that made her want to shower even more than before, and she couldn't wait to get in the hot shower and wash the day off of her.

She also grabbed a few more pairs of new underwear before paying and heading straight to Tazuna's house. She knocked on the door and a young boy opened it for her, but when he saw her and realized that she was also a Ninja, like the other people who had come to his house, he walked away in a huff, leaving Jun confused.

"This is my grandson. He's a little strange so don't mind him.", Tazuna said, inviting her in before Jun took off her sandals and entered the house.

"I'm afraid we only have two guest rooms. We agreed with Kakashi that the kids would sleep in one guest room and the two of you would sleep in the other. If that's okay.", but Jun just nodded and now shouldered her new backpack.

"No problem. Where's the room? I really need to shower and change."

"Up the stairs and the last door on the left. The bathroom is right across the hall, if you want to do your laundry, you're welcome to do it in the washing machine that's also in the bathroom.", Jun bowed in thanks and immediately sprinted up the stairs.

She was so looking forward to her well-deserved shower that she couldn't wait to get out of her Jonin clothes and finally put on something comfortable. What she had been longing for since a few hours.

Without knocking, she simply walked into the room that would be her home for the next few days and quickly, she stopped in the doorway and stared at Kakashi's exposed torso, as he had apparently just come out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his hips.

Jun couldn't say anything or even move, because the sight...it was driving her crazy. How much she wanted to just go to him right now and touch every inch of his body.

After she regained her senses, she turned right around, additionally closing her eyes and biting her lower lip, knowing she had been staring at him for far too long.

"Sorry...I should have knocked. I-I will leave again.", she said hastily and tried to find the door handle with her eyes closed, but it wasn't that easy.

𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ・K. Hatake x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن