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Jun slowly opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was that it was dark outside. She rubbed her eyes to wake up a bit before looking around the room and seeing Kakashi sleeping on a chair next to her bed.

She had to smile a little when she saw how his Icha-Icha book was lying on his chest and his head was a little tilted, which didn't look very comfortable.
She giggled quietly, but quickly the giggle changed to a painful moan.

Her wounds were healed, healed so far that nothing more could happen, but still the wounds hurt her. Especially the wound on her back.
Kakashi grumbled a little as he was woken up by Jun, but immediately he straightened up and looked worriedly at her.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything? Should I call the nurse?", he asked but Jun just shook her head with a smirk.

"It's okay, it hurts a little but nothing I can't take. Aren't my first wounds.", she said and reached for the glass of water to take a sip before leaning back again and looking curiously at Kakashi.

"What about Naruto? They didn't do anything to him, didn't they?"

"No. Of course not. The matter was resolved and he even passed. He's officially a Genin now.", Kakashi said and you could see that he as a little proud of him.

"Genin huh? I knew he'd make it.", Jun said and her eyes lit up with pride.

"And yet...that thing you did was stupid Jun! You could have died!"

"I know Kakashi. But he would have died if the Shuriken had hit him. I...had to protect him.", she muttered at the end, looking down at her hands.

"It was still stupid and irresponsible of you. You could have died as well and that wouldn't have been better.", she looked up at him apologetically now and let out a soft sigh.

"I know that. But...he doesn't have anyone. And he needs people in his life that he can count on. And now he knows those people exist and I'm sure that will make a lot of things easier for him. But who was assigned to his group and wo is his Sensei?", Jun now saw Kakashi starting to grin under his mask and immediately she widened her eyes and shook her head in disbelief.

"No way! YOU?", she now said and immediately she started laughing, which was muffled by a sigh of pain.

"Yes, I am his new Sensei. Tomorrow the test will start. You know what that means?", he asked her now with his typical closed eyed smile.

"Am I allowed to be released?"

"Tomorrow morning. Today they want to keep you here overnight.", she nodded slowly and lay back down in bed before looking at Kakashi with a played serious face.

"And you Mister, you go home to sleep now. A hospital chair is not comfortable. And I won't tolerate any backtalk. Get out!", she meant and in the end she did have to smile a bit when she heard Kakashi sigh.

"You're killing me, Jun.", he said resignedly and rose from his chair before he placed a masked kiss on her forehead and disappeared out from the room.

Jun's cheeks turned a deep red as she ran her hand over her forehead and bit her lower lip lightly. If it weren't for that feeling, it would probably have been just a friendly 'Get well soon' kiss, but she interpreted it differently, even though she knew that for him it was probably nothing more than a little attention between friends.

She hated having to hold back like that and she hated that he was so close to her and yet so far away from her in the end.
She sensed that this was probably not going to be a good night. First because of her pain and second because of her damn thoughts that were buzzing around in her head.

The doctor came to Jun the next morning and went through his final exam before she put on her Jonin outfit and finally left the hospital. She patted down her pockets and in one was still her phone and charging cable and in the other her Icha-Icha book. Satisfied, she sighed and went to the training field where she would watch the kids try to get the bells from Kakashi.

It had never occurred to anyone until now that they would have to act as a team rather than alone in this little test and only if they could do that , they would pass.
Jun jumped onto the middle tree stump and sat down cross-legged before taking out her book and opening the page where she had stopped.
It was still pretty damn early and yet all of a sudden Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura wer standing on the training field.

"Jun-Sensei!", Naruto yelled and without looking up from her book, she waved at him and just kept reading.

𝐂𝐎𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 ・K. Hatake x OCWhere stories live. Discover now