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When the dueling club finally comes around everyone is excitedly waiting for it to begin, either to see Lockheart, or to watch Severus beat the cocky teacher. Or the very few third party who just wants to learn how to duel.  

Lockheart steps onto the little stage that he had brought in and smiles out at the crowed like he is some kind of model... though most of the girls seem to agree that he is. "Welcome to Hogwarts Dueling club! I will be teaching you all the proper way to duel, and today I have helping me Severus Snape! But don't worry you will still have your potions teacher when Im done with him." Lockheart says cheerfully as Severus walks up to him calmly, though to Harry it looks more like a predator walking up to its pray. 

Draco leans over to Harry, "is it just me or does Snape look ready to kill him?"

"Don't worry about it." Harry says brushing it off. 

Lockheart and Severus goes through the motions of starting to duel and they get into position. Harry didn't even realize tell now that Severus had a wand never seeing him use one. They both yell expelliarmus but Severus was quicker and Lockheart flies through the air landing hard on his back, and Severus looks very pleased with himself. 

"Is he okay!" Hermione cries.

"Who cares!" Harry Ron and Draco say together. 

Lockheart scrambles up trying to not show that it actually hurt. "Well! I could have blocked that if i wanted to." He says dusting nonexistent dirt off of him. "Good job Severus." He says begrudgingly. 

"If you wanted to, probably would have been good to show them how to block." Severus says mockingly. 

Lockheart clears his throat. "Well how about we have some volunteers, Harry Potter come on up!" He says locking eyes with Harry.

Harry sighs and goes up to the stage.

"Now how about Ron Weasley?"

"Mr. Weasleys wand is broken, he would either kill Harry or himself. Perhaps someone from my house. Draco Malfoy?" 

Draco struts up to the stage smiling at Harry. They walk up to each other and Draco smirks, "Scared Potter?"

Harry mirrors his look, "You wish." 

They go ten paces and Lockheart counts down. "Expelliarmus!" Harry yells pushing Draco onto the ground and sliding to Severus feet. 

Draco glances up at Severus then gets up pointing his wand at Harry. Harry blocks the spell Draco casts and they just start going back and forth with different spells ignoring Lockheart telling them to only use disarming. Then suddenly a snake jumps out of Draco's wand hissing at Harry. 

They stop as Harry stares at the snake in surprise. 

"Don't worry Harry, I'll get it." Lockheart says and uses a spell that makes the snake fly into the air before dropping back onto the stage hissing angerly. 

The snake turns to the crowed clearly about to strike, "No stop." Harry says drawing the snake's attention, "don't bite them, it's okay." Harry says slowly approaching the snake trying to calm it. 

The snake slowly calms down and turns to Harry. 

Severus quickly walks up and makes the snake disappear as everyone stares at Harry.

"What are you playing at Potter!" Dean says who was closest to the stage. 

Harry looks around noticing they are all staring at him scared. "Well, you are all dismissed!" Lockheart says in false cheerfulness. 

Severus lightly pushes Harry to move, and they walk out Draco Hermione and Ron right behind them. 

They go to the Gryffindor common room and Draco says, "Since when could you speak Parcel tongue?"

"I wasn't speaking Paracel tongue."

"Harry you were speaking Paracel tongue." Hermione says calmly.

Harry sighs, "How can I speak a language I never learned?"

"I want to know how you could even genetically have it because I studied your family tree and, you are not related to anyone that was a Parcel mouth." Severus tells him. 

Harry frowns thinking about how everyone was looking at him. "This looks bad, doesn't it?"

The rest of the month everyone is avoiding Harry, a few times the twins would even walk behind Harry saying, "Make way for the dark lord Heir of Slytherin!" 

Eventually they are getting ready for a Quidditch match against Slytherin, and everyone is joking about how Harry is going to make winning easy since everyone is scared, he'll paralyze them. 

"We need to be serious about this guys, everyone may be scared of Harry but this is not important right now. focus on the game." Wood says trying to get everyone to calm down. 

They head out to the field and take off, of course the other team was avoiding Harry, except Draco who kept taunting him, then something weird happened, a bludger started to follow Harry around, no matter how hard Harry tried he couldn't shake it off, just great. Nothing can go normal can it?

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