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The exams drawing nearer and then one day Harry notices Dumbldore isnt at breakfast. So when they are done eating Harry Ron Hermione and Draco run up to Severus. "Were is Dumbldore?" Harry asks.

"He had a urgent request to go to the ministry. Im sure your thinking Quirll will try to get the stone?" Severus replies glancing behind the students.

Harry nods. "What should we do?"

"We?" Severus asks. "And what exactly will you four do?"

Harry crosses his arms. "And what your just going to act on tour own. You are my sword and sheild therefor you need some one to command you." He says stubornly. "Or what? Are you unable to protect me and them?" He adds smirking.

"Very well. Lets go. I saw Quirll heading there." Severus says and leads them to the third floor corridor. Of course Harry knew how to get to him. Stupid brat. Couldnt just order me to stop him on my own.

They go into Fluffies room and the dog is fast asleep to the sound of a harp playing on its own. "I hate dogs." Severus mumbles as he opens the trap door.

Harry looks at him. "Woof." He says and jumps down landing onto a plant.

They all follow behind and Severus looks around.

Hermione screams as the plant wraps around her foot. "Its grabbing me what do we do!"

"Its devils snare." Ron says struggling.

"Light a fire!" Draco says.

"With what! There is no wood!" Hermione cries.

"Are you a bloody witch or not!" Harry snaps as Ron grabs his wand and lights a fire making the plant drop them.

"Oh. I forgot." Hermione mumbles sheepishly. "Wait. You dont like dogs?" Hermione says looking at Severus.

Severus just shrugs looking at the keys flying around them.

"This seems easy..." Harry mumbles seeing the key with a broken wing.

"It does dosnt it." Severus mumbles as he jumps up and grabs the key.

The keys freeze for a moment all turning to them.

"Run!" Hermione yells and they run to the door as severus unlockes it the keys flying after them as they go through the door and close it.

"That was scary... wow." Ron says taking in the giant chess bord infront of them.

"Dam. I suck at chess." Harry says glaring at the game.

"There are only four spaces." Draco says. "Maybe since Harry sucks he can just. Stay out?"

"But i want to help." Harry complains.

"You said it yourself your not good at the game." Severus tells him. "Besides im pretty sure these peices will move much like rhe ones in wizard chess and id rather you not make a wrong move and get hurt."

Harry glares at him as they all take there places Draco and Ron arguing about who gets to be the night.

Harry watches as they play the game, trying to make their way across the bored. Then Harry notices Ron get a worried expression.

"Ron no thats a bad idea im sure we can come up with another way!" Draco snaps at him.

Ron shakes his head. "No. Ill move and sacrafice the night. Then Hermione will take the Queen."

Harry looks at Severus. Maybe he can order him- no thatll give it away that he is not human...

Ron shouts the move and he gets thrown off. "Hermione dont move! You cant lose your turn, get it over quick!" Harry yells as she almost runs to him.

She glances at Harry and straightens up marching over to the Queen. "Check mate!" She yells.

The Queen drops her sword and kneels. They all run over to Ron and Severus checks over him.

"Hell be ok. You two take him to the infirmary. Me and Harry will deal with the rest."

"Be careful." They say and pick Ron up rushing out as fast as they can.

Harry frowns feeling horrible. He dragged them along and now because of this stupid game and not being able to expose Severus as a demon, he got Ron hurt.

"It was there choice to be here. And Rons choice to sacrafice himself. Its not your fault." Severus says as he picks up the potion handing it to Harry.

He sighs. "I didnt think theyd get hurt."

"You didnt know what will happen. You cant see the future. Hell be ok. He wont blame you. Now. Lets see what it is Quirl is trying to do."

Harry nods and downs the rest of the potion and they step through the fire.

They come to a big room were the man is standing infront of a mirror mumblind to himself, as he normally does.

He stops and turns to them. "You two! Dam demon." He snaps. "I told you to stay out of my way!"

"Use the boy." A voice hisses coming from Quirll but not through his mouth.

"Come here Harry. I wont hurt you."

Harry glances at Severus and walk up to him. He is shoved infront of the mirror, looking at it he sees himself as he is, then his reflection reaches into his pocket and he pulls out the resurection stone smirking. A moment later there is a new weight in his pocket.

"Well? What do you see!"

"My parents."

"Hes lieing!... i want to talk to him." The voice says.

"Are. Are you sure-"


"Oh ok." Quirll unties his turbane and faces Harry.

Harrys eyes widen as Voldemort faces him, from the other side of Quirlls head.

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