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Voldemort smiles. "Harry, how lovely it is to see you again. Now, give me the stone."

Harry glares at him. "I dont have it. Severus! I order you! Kill him!"

Severus runs up to Quirll who takes out his wand and throws Severus across the room. He then goes to grab Harry but flinches back screaming as he gets burned. Well thats interesting.

Severus grabs Quirll by the throat. "You do not lay a hand on him!" He snaps and goes to stab him with a broken peice of brick.

"Im not human Sevvy, stabbing me wont do a thing." Quirll practically purrs then throws him aside. "I may not be able to touch you Harry, but i dont need to in order to kill you." Voldemort says as Quirll raises his wand.

Severus slams into him pushing him to the ground and taking his wand tossing it to Harry.

Quirl smirks up at Severus, "you know i kinda like this position."

"Dont say such vulgar things." Severus growls and his eyes turn a bright shade of red as he uses his demon powers to take Voldemorts soul out of Quirll.

Both Quirll and Voldemort scream as the peice of soul is ripped from the body. Harry watches and screams as his scar burns hot making him see white.

Severus goes over to Harry when done. "Are you okay my lord?" He asks kneeling infront of him.

He nods. "Is he dead?"

Quirll stands. "Not yet." He growls.

They both look at him, the glamor thag was once on him fell, now he looks almost the same but he has long red hair and green eyes. He puts on red glasses and a chainsaw appears in his hand.

Severus stands and glares at him.

"You still going to fight me Sevvy? I dont think you can win, you know my death scythe can cut through anything." Quirl gives a flirtatious smile. "Though i would love to see you wearing red. Its my favorite color you know."

"Severus i gave you your order shut him up already."

"Yes my-" Severus is cut off as an extendable pruner rushes past Severus pushing Quirll into a wall and successfully knocking him out.

Severus and Harry turn to see another reaper, who has short black hair and green eyes wearing a black suit. "Who the bloody hell are you?" Harry asks.

The new reaper looks at Severus in disgust. "I cant belive i need to do this." He walks up to them giving a slight bow. "Im sorry for what ever... that. Had caused. You have our sincerest..." He says forcably. "Apology... here is the Headquarters card." He hands a card to Severus.

Severus takes it and William picks up Quirll and the death scythe. "I will see you again Sevvy, maybe then we can continue!" He cheers and complains that his head hurts.

Severus kneels infront of Harry, "im sorry my lord, I cant kill him today."

Harry sighs. "Its fine. We at least got Voldemort."

Severus stands. "Really shouldnt kill reapers any way. Demons and reapers have a sort of mutual hate and we try to just. Not cross paths."

Harry nods and starts to walk out the way they came taking the stone out and looking at it. "Just hope we dont need to see that one again."

Severus nods. "I agree."

"Get me some chocolate when we get out of these traps. I can go for some sweets."

"Very well my lord." Severus sighs.

When they get out and the door to Fluffys room is closed behidn them Dumbdlore and Mcgongal rush up to them. "Are you two okay what happened?"

Severus explains that soon after breakfast that he saw Quirll rushing to the third floor corridor and that he went to stop him and that Harry and his friends followed after, and how he killed Quirl who had Voldemort leaching off him... leaving out the reapers and demon part.

"Thank Merlin you two are okay. We should get you both checked up in the infermory just incase." Mcgong says getting them there despite there protest. Dumbldore following thoughtfully and silently behind

"Is Ron okay?" Harry asks looking up at Mcgongal and Dumbledore.

"Hes ok. We saw Mr. Malfoy and Miss Granger on our way to see if you two were ok."

They get to the hospital wing and madam pomfry checks them over, once she deems them good to go Harry goes up to Ron. "You okay mate?"

"Yeah, so what happend woth Quirll?" Ron says sitting up more eager to know what went down.

"Turned out Voldemort was on the back of his head. Leeching off his power." Harry says and laughs a little. "Severus killed him though."

Ron nods. "That sounds horrifying."

Harry shrugs. "Ive been through worse."

"Madam Pomfry said i should be done healing by dinner. Ill see you then."

"Im sorry you ha-"

"We went with you willingly. It was my idea. Dont beat yourself up." Ron says smiling.

Harry grins. "Severus said the same thing."

"Well maybe you should listen to him more." Ron says wich gets a laugh from the demon.

"Eh maybe. Ill see you at dinner." Harry says walking out Severus right behind him.

They head into the Griffendore common room were Hermione and Draco are waiting paitiantly. They jump up and hug Harry.

"Thank Merlin your okay. Did you see Ron?"

Harry nods. "He seems to be doing ok as well." He says then fills them in on what he told Ron. "Im going to go give this to Dumbldore. Ill see you guys at Dinner." He says pulling out the resurrection stone.

"Wait. If thay can bring back the dead. Maybe you can. Ya know." Draco says motioning to it.

Harry frowns looking at the stone in his hand. He clinches his fist and shakes his head. "No." He sighs. "I have gotten over that a long time ago. They are at peace. And whats dead is dead." He says and turns on his heal heading the the headmasters office. Severus by his side.

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