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The group of children head down to the dining room following Severus. The twins find it a little strange seeing Severus go from teaching them to now actually serving Harry. Even though he has not done much. Harry already had Severus send a note to their parents saying that they are there and that if it's alright with them they can go ahead and spend the night since they drove/flew all this way.  So now they are waiting to see if they are going to get a howler, or if they are going to storm through the floo since Harry gave them the floo address. 

They sit and Severus serves them before standing in a corner. "So how was your threes summer so far?" Harry asks even though he read through the letters.

"Oh, it's been okay. Getting tired of Percy though, all he talks about is how much better he is." Ron says sighing. "And then Ginny won't shut up about you." 

"Oh yeah she is completely in love with you."

"Puppy love, so cute." The twins say one after another. And Harry is pretty sure Severus is laughing at him. 

"Shes going to start Hogwarts this year, right?" Harry asks out politeness. 

Ron nods, "And she is so happy to meet you, annoying though." 

Draco laughs, "How sweet you have a little fan girl."

"Severus is going to tease me enough don't you start to." Harry whines. 

Severus gives him a mockingly offended look, "How dare you say such things, I would never tease you." 

"You teased me about being short five times yesterday!" Harry snaps.

Severus laughs a little, "Not my fault you are not growing" 

"Is that why you have heels on your shoes?" Fred asks.

"See what you started." Harry says glaring at Severus.

Severus just shrugs. 

"Any way, I'm just glad that now I can beat your three butts during Quidditch because I am trying out this year." Draco says proudly. 

"What position?" Ron asks. 

"All of them, they can put me were ever they want I just want to be on the team." Draco says shrugging. 

"I'm ready for the next match, and I assure you Draco, I'm going to win."

"Have you guys heard that the famous wizard Gildroy Lockheart is teaching Defense this year?" Fred asks.

"Mum loves him."

"I don't see what's so great about him, he seems like a pompous ass." Harry says rolling his eyes. 

Ron nods in agreement, "I swear Hermione sent me enough letters about him I can make a book, and if I actually read them, probably know more about him than myself." 

Harry laughs a little, "Probably a good thing I wasn't getting her letters then." 

"Yeah, lucky you" Draco mumbles. 

Once they are all done eating there was no word from Mr. or Mrs. Weasley and Severus gives them rooms that they can spend the night. Severus then draws Harry a bath and gets him night and morning clothes before waiting outside the bathroom while Harry washes up. When Harry is done, he dries Harry off and dresses him in the night clothes and puts Harry to bed. 

"It seems like your friends have been concerned." Severus comments.

Harry nods. "It's nice having them here."

Severus nods, "Sleep well my lord."


There is a flash of green and a womans scream then Harry ends up in a cage, men in hoods surrounding him. "Severus!" Harry yells crying. 


Severus wakes Harry up. Harry looks up at him breathing heavily. Severus grins. "Good morning young master, I have breakfast ready for you." He says and hands Harry a cup of tea as he grabs Harrys clothes. 

Harry sits up taking a sip before setting it aside so Severus can get him changed. "Are the others awake yet?" 

"They were just waking up before I came to wake you up." 

"Have you gotten any letters from Mrs. Weasley?" 

"Not yet." 

Harry stands up putting his ring on as Severus puts his eyepatch on. 

They go down to the kitchen were everyone else is. "Good morning." Harry says as he takes his seat. 

Hedwig flies in with a newspaper, there Hogwarts letters, and a note from Mrs. Weasley, the note saying that she is glad that they are safe with Harry and that they can come home well, today now. They eat and the three red heads seem a little worried about what their parents are going to say when they get home. 

After Draco floos home Ron turns to Harry, "Want to come with us? You can also come with us to go shopping for school."

Harry looks at Severus, "Was there anything we had to do today?" 

Severus shakes his head.

"Well lets go then."


"Mum shouldn't yell at us to bad then!" The twins cheer.

"What are we going to do about the car though?" Ron asks.

"I can drive us back, I mean I got us here." George says happily holding the keys.

"We are putting Harry in the trunk right? Hes small enough." Severus says following them out.

The twins look at Harry actually debating it. 

"No. I am not going in the trunk." Harry says and glares at Severus. 

They make it to the Burrow without any incidents. Then when they get inside Mrs. Weasley is immodestly there. "And what made you three think its ok to take the car! What if someone saw you! Do you know how much trouble your father would have been in if the ministry got ahold of that?" She then turns to Harry. "Of course, its not your fault dear, how are you?"

"I'm okay Mrs. Weasley." Harry says smiling, "It was nice seeing them."

She nods, "Yes yes, have you had breakfast, yet you are so skinny." She says taking in Harrys frame then looks at Severus, "Are you even feeding him? Come on Harry, I have some scones and Biscuits you can snack on."

"Biscuits?" Ron says a little excited. 

"Not for you because you three are grounded." Molly says as she practically drags harry to the kitchen. 

Severus huffs following behind mumbling, "I do feed him thank you very much."

Ginny stands at the bottom of the stairs, "Was that Harry Potter?" She asks the three siblings.

"Yes." They all say.

She blushes and runs upstairs. 

Molly gives Harry a few biscuits and says, "Will you like to come with us to go shopping for Hogwarts?"

"Sure. The letters came in today." Harry says and takes them from Severus handing the ones for the Twins and Ron to Mrs. Weasly.

"Thank you Harry." 

The children, Severus, and Mr. and Mrs., Weasley gather at the floo and go to Digon ally.

Black Butler (Severatis?) (Drarry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ