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As the days go by they notice Hagrid is getting burned and swollen from the dragon. No one seems to really care but Ron seems a little worried. Aparently one of his brothers are obsessed with dragons. They are even in Romania studying them. So Ron feels a certain way about them.

"Maybe we should convince him to let us get him to get it?" Hermione asks.

After classes they go to Hagrids hut and Hagrid offers them tea and taffy wich they decline.

"Hagrid we actually want to talk to you about. Norbert." Hermione says glancing at tbe dragon that is sleeping in the fire place.

"We can tell that you are in pain. My brother Charlie he studies and loves dragons. He can come and take him to Romaina with him." Ron says softly.

Hagrid frowns. "But what if the other dragons dont like him or they are mean to him."

"Itll be better than you being bitten and burned." Draco says shrugging.

"Besides im sure hell get accepted by the other dragons. And hell be taken care of by the people and Charlie whos studying them." Hermione says giving Draco a look that says be more nice this is hard on him.

Harry sighs. "Maybe hell even let you see Norbert now and then. Hagrid its illegal to take care of him. You may get arrested. If not that the Dragon may end up killing you. Maybe even accidently. Please let Rons brother come and get him."

Hagrid looks at Ron. "Your brother will take care of him?"

"Absolutely." Ron says smiling softly.

"Okay. Fine."

They go back to the common room and Ron writes a letter to Charlie and Harry gets Headwig to send it. Hopefully she can make it to Romania thatll be the most she flown.

Mainly because he has no one to send letters to so all she does is bring him the Daily Prophet.

"That was a bit eiser than i thought it would be." Ron says watching the owl fly away.

A few days later Hedwig comes back with a letter from Charlie saying hell be there in a week for a dragon. And to meet him at the astronamy tower.

"So. How do we sneak a dragon into school?" Harry asks Ron and Hermione as they head into Sevrrus office to do school work. They decided to join him for once.

Severus looks up from the papers hes grading. "Your sneaking a dragon into the school?"

"Oh yeah we convinced Hagrid to let Charlie come get him." Harry says dismissively. "I can use the invisibility cloak and hope it dosnt catch it on fire." Harry says. He hasnt used it since he showed Ron the mirror since he didnt want to go to the mirror after that. No reason to be looking in it, they are not coming back.

The three kids get started on there home work figuring they have a week to figure out the details, and Severus gets them snacks at Harrys request.

A week later Harry and Ron go down to Hagrids hut and puts the dragon with them under the cloak. Tbey didnt want to bring Mione or draco along figuring two of them and a dragon will be all that can fit under the cloak.

When they get to the tower Charlie and two friends are waiting with brooms and a box.

"Oh there is the baby. What a beuty." Charlie says taking the dragon from Ron.

"Thanks for the help. Charlie this is my friend Harry." Ron says motioning to Harry.

Charlie waves. "Hello Harry. Hope my brother isnt giving you to much trouble." He says as he gently places the dragon in the box. "There he goes nice and good."

"Nice to meet you Charlie. Rons been doing fine. Thanks again though."

"No problem. If you guys need anything just send me an owl. Cant promise ill be quick but. Ill be here." He says and gives Ron a one armed hug. "I best get going. Good night." He says and they leave carrying the box in the middle of the three brooms.

The next day Draco decides to randomly sit with them at dinner. "Is this even allowed?" Harry asks.

Draco shrugs. "No body ever said it wasnt. I think everyone is just to scared to."

"True ive read the rules loads of times. No were in the rules." Hermione says.

"Well welcome to the Griffendore table." Harry says smiling. "Now you can never leave us."

Draco grins. "So how is studing for the end of the year going?"

"I am so ready, ive been staying up late to make sure i dont miss to much time." Hermione says rolling her eyes. "I still feel behind."

"Im having troubke with potions. Severus is helping me and Harry its just to difficult." Ron complains.

Harry shrugs. "Im doing fine i think. Im just tired of Severus hitting me with a ruler everytime i get a question wrong." He says and glares at Severus.

"Proffesore snape hits you with a ruler?" Draco and Hermione asks.

"I think its payback for me pouring hot tea and throwing other things at him." Harry says thoughtfully.

"Eh my dads done worse to our house elf Dobby. One time he ironed his hands." Draco says nodding. "One he stabbed him."

"What the hell." Hermione mumbles looking at the table.

"My mum wishes she can affored a house elf." Ron mumbles.

"With all your siblings im sure shed love the break." Draco says in a half sarcastic tone.

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