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They head in and Dumbldore smiles up at them. "Take a seat my boys. Excelent job with Voldemort."

They take there seats and Harry places the stone on Dumbldores desk. He plucks it up. "Thank you Harry. Ill send this back to Nicolas Flimale."

"Headmaster Dumbdlore. I have a question." Harry says fidgiting. "Anytime Quirl made eye contact with me. My scar burned. Then when he touched me. It burned again."

Dumbldore nods thaughtfully and Sevrrus wonders if this is a good time to bring up the second soul on Harry.

"Well Harry. When your mother died in order to protect you. You became protected with her love. Love is the strongest magic there is. Thats why Voldemort couldnt touch you." Dumbldore explains.

Severus glances between them figuring its fine. Maybe hell get a two for one deal. Though the second dosnt seem as satisfying maybe he can do without... nah its fine.

Harry nods. "Thank you Headmaster."

"Thank you Harry. And Severus."

Severus follows Harry to the Great Hall and goes to the the teachers table.

Ron joins Harry and Hermione at the gridfendore table Draco joining moments later.

There are Slytherin banners hanging from the ceiling showing that Slythrin won the house cup. Dumbdlore goes up to the podeum and the studnets fall silent. "Do to recent events. I have decided to cancel the exams." He says gaining cheers. Though Hermione seems pretty upset by it. Makes since since she studied so hard. He raises his hands tk gain back control. "Secondly it seems thag Slythrin has won the house cup. But. I do have some points to give before naming the real winner." He gives Harry, Ron, and Hermione a ridiculous amount of point... giving Draco hardly any. Then names Griffendore the winner. Even though the rest of the Griffendores are happy Ron, Hermione, and Harry kind of feel bad for Slythrin. Mainly Draco.

A few days later Harry bords the train and him and his friends find a compartment.

"Pleeeaaase can next year be normal." Harry says as he falls onto a bench.

"Maybe if we dont talk about it. It will be." Hermione says sitting across from him.

Draco sits next to Harry. "Yeah no jinxing it."

Ron sits next to Hermione. "Well Harry are you glad to relax away from school?"

Harry frowns a little shrugging. "I mean. I enjoyed Hogwarts... somtimes its lonly just being me and Severus."

"Dont worry Harry well write to you." Draco says.

"Yeah of course. We are friends and thats what friends do." Ron says excitedly.

"Ill try to find out how to." Hermione agrees.

Harry grins. "Thanks guys."

Finally Harry dosnt feel so alone. And he dosnt need to be upset hes not getting letters.

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