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They meet with Hermione and her parents, and Arthur Weasley won't stop pestering them about muggle stuff. Hermione hugs Harry, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine 'mione, how are you?"

she smiles, "I'm good summer has been nice, and want to know something really amazing?"


"You know that hot famous wizard Gildroy Lockheart?"

Harry nods allowing Hermione to continue her rant even though he basically tunes her out.

They head into the bookstore which is strangely crowded. And they figure out why when they see Lockheart sighing books. Lockheart looks at Harry and smiles. "Harry Potter." He says amazed and has a camera man grab him pushing him toward Lockheart.

"Hey don't touch me!" Harry snaps pulling his arm away. 

"Just smile for the camera Harry." Lockheart says putting a hand on his shoulder.

The camera flashes a few times and Lockheart picks up a stack of books, "Harry must have come in today thinking hed just buy what he needed for school. But! I am generous enough to give him the full collection. For free!" He cheers shoving the books to Harry. 

Harry looks at Severus who is of course amused by this. Harry glares at him as Lockheart gets a few more pictures before shoving Harry away. 

Harry shoves the books to Severus, "I hate him already."

"I can tell." Severus says taking the books from Harry. 

Lucius walks by and looks at the group before smiling at Harry, "Hello Lord Potter, how did lunch go with Narcissa yesterday, she seemed happy to meet you."

"Lunch went fine, though I hate to bring up such horrible subjects, but did Draco tell you about what Dobby was doing?" Harry asks.

Lucious nods, "Yes, I'm sorry about the inconvenience hes caused, I have delt with him though he shouldn't bother you anymore."

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy." 

Lucius nods and walks away ignoring the Weasleys. 

Severus watches him walk away then glances at Ginny wondering why he feels a piece of Voldemort's soul near her. But he just shrugs it off, shouldn't be too big of an issue anytime soon. 

They go through and buy the rest of their supplies, Severus carrying Harrys and Hermione's things because he can. 

"Hermione do you want the books that he gave me that I do not need?" Harry asks.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asks.

"Oh yeah, im sure." Harry says glaring at the books. 

"Thank you." Hermione says happily. 

Harry notices a new broom on display and thinks about buying it, though he really does like the broom McGonigal got him. 

Once they are done shopping Hermoine goes home with her parents saying she'll see them at the train. Harry goes back to the manor with Severus saying bye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley saying that he'll see them at the train as well. 

Harry sighs and falls onto the couch when he gets home, "I hate being famous." Harry whines. 

Severus shrugs and goes to organize Harry's trunk putting everything away. 

Harry looks at him. "Maybe we can kill him now? I'm sure it'll happen eventually."

"If you order that of me, I will make it happen." 

The next day Severus leaves Harry with the Weasleys so that way he can go to Hogwarts with the teachers, but before Harry and Ron can get through the wall closes to them, and they are alone in the muggle train station.

Ron looks at Harry. "Why can't we get through?"

"I don't know. Do you think they can come back?" Harry responds as he rights their carts and tries to calm Hedwig.

"To bad Severus left ahead of you." Ron mumbles.

They had back to the car since they cannot get through. After a few minutes Ron smirks. "What if. I drive us to Hogwarts. I mean we don't know if they will come out. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"What if someone sees us? Or your dad gets in trouble?" Harry says kind of wanting to try it any way. 

Ron shrugs sliding into the front seat, "I'll make sure no one sees."

Harry sighs and gets into the passenger. "Ok. Take it away." 

Ron starts the car and puts on the invisibility since he doesn't see any one around and takes off. 

Everything is going fine; tell they get to school. Suddenly the car stalls and it falls into a tree. In the midst of the screaming and panic Ron breaks his wand hitting the steering wheel as he is trying to cast a spell... though he was just yelling fly! Fly! Fly!

Harry looks at Ron as Ron stares at his broken wand sadly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Harry duck!" He yells as a branch smashes the window.

The tree starts to beat the car up until the car comes back to life and gets out of the tree, then promptly throws them and their luggage out. 

Harry and Ron drag there luggage to join the rest of the studnts luggage and they try to sneak to the great hall, "Maybe Severus didnt notice that we were not with the others?" Harry says hopefully.

"I noticed." The demon says behind them.

They jump and turn to him. "We can explain." Harry says slowly.

Severus crosses his arms. "Can you? Because from what I saw, you crashed a car. Into the tree."

"Nine and three quarters closed on us and we were not able to get on the train." Harry explains.

"You could have sent an owl or waited for someone, more than likely me, to get you." Severus says rolling his eyes.

McGonigal comes out holding the hat and the stool and looks between the three of them. "Well hello Harry and Ron. What happened?"

"They drove a car into the tree because they couldn't get onto the platform." Severus explains.

"Is that so? Well detention Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, you're lucky you're not dead. Now go to your dorms." She says and walks away.

"But we didn't have dinner." Ron whines.

Harry sighs and looks at Severus, "Why did you have to tell her."

"She asked. Now off to bed young master."

Harry sighs and heads up to the dorm room Ron behind him complaining. "Well this is a wonderful start." Harry mumbles.

"It can only go up right?" Ron asks.

"Should." Harry says as Ron holds the curtain up for him so Harry can change like he always does, and Harry does the same for him. 

They go to bed hoping it'll get better.

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