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"You must think carefully. Once you do this paradise is closed to you." The black cat with red eyes says looking at Harry.

Harry glares at the cat. "Do i look like i care about paradise. Someone in my condition don't need paradise."

Black feathers fall around the cat and the cat turns into a man.


Light falls onto Harry who wakes and drops his arm over his face. "Time to wake young master. We have a busy day, Mr. Malfoy is coming to talk to you about finishing taking over all of the Potter esate and fortune. After that we will go shopping for your Hogwarts supplies. But before we get started with all that you must have breakfast." Severus says as he dresses Harry in black wizard robes and a green button up with black pant and boots.

Harry puts on his family ring as Severus puts his eyepatch on him to hide the symbol on his eye. "Thank you, Severus."

"You don't need to thank me. I am your butler after all." Severus says grinning slightly.

Harry shrugs and stands.

"I'm going to prepare for Mr. Malfoys arrival. Your breakfast is in the dining room."

Harry nods and makes his way there looking around. Sadly, he never spent time in the potter manner. His family was in hiding tell he was nine. When that day happened with Voldemort.


I finished watching Black Butler a little bit ago and was thinking that Sebastin reminded me of Severus and decided to make a fanfiction like this.

I know wizards have house elves. I'll put more explaining on how this will work as you read along. Hope you enjoy

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