Deleted Scenes pt.2

Start from the beginning

I could feel Kyoka's smile as my eyes stayed downcast, sliding out of the seats to stand for Mina. Squealing, grabbing the attention of workers and customers within the calmer atmosphere of the cafe. She grabbed my hands, widened my arms, and jumped.

"Yellow and blue fit you so well! Look how your hips are accentuated, your legs! My gosh, your boobs are delicious, looks amazing-"

I covered Mina's mouth with wide eyes. "Can you stop shouting about my tits in a restaurant, please?" I ask lowly, majorly embarrassed. Mina's beautiful eyes twinkled mischievously as she looked to the side, not at me.

From where she came.

"I just needed to shout his thoughts for him, since he won't say shit."

That's when I heard familiar male laughter. My hands were slack by my side, eyes wide. At first, I wasn't blushing intensely.

But then I felt my face bloom in heat.

Of course, there was Katsuki. With pink ears and a smirk on his lips (which I felt a strong urge to taste once more) getting laughed at by Kirishima and Kaminari, Sero smiling and shaking his head.

And there was a dark promise in Katsuki's eyes that sent heat flaring through me.


I turned away from them and glared at the smiling Kyoka, sliding back into the booth. Though Mina sat across from us. I was still incensed over what Katsuki did to me today. How hard it was to keep myself from snapping at his little touches and teases as we walked side-by-side, ate lunch.

I was pissed with him.

"Kaza, you look good in yellow and blue! You should wear it more often!" Kirishima said, sliding in next to Mina and across from me. I huffed, still trying to get used to the nickname, picking up the menu to hide my blushing face.

"Thanks, Kiri," I mumbled, and he smiled at me wider.

"So what we getting! I'm starving!" Kaminari slid in so hard that Mina almost hit the wall.

"Bro, be careful!" Kirishima scolded with a light smile.

"Fucking dumbass!" Mina shouted over Kirishima, who held her back from throwing a rock (from her purse) at Kaminari. I sighed.

"Sorry bro!" Kaminari smiled, leaning forward on the table, snatching the menu away from Kyoka. Who rolled her eyes.

"Just get your own damn menu, Sparks."

"Yeah, yeah, what we getting Kaza?" Kaminari called me as well.

"Five apps, six sides, and a hot-pot. I have to place the order, and you can pick your own drinks."

"Apps? How can we get apps? Aren't those only online?" The other four of us froze.

I blinked at Kaminari's innocent face. So honest.

"You are the dumbest fucking person, Dunce Face," I almost jumped at Katsuki's voice, looking up as he sat next to me. A sneer on his face. "Did you really ask that question?" I huffed and looked away.

"Hey, what's the problem!?"

"Apps is short for appetizers, Denki," Sero sighed out, taking the last spot in the opposite booth. So it sat Kyoka, I and Katsuki, then Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero in the opposite booth.

Katsuki did his manspread, thigh and knee pressing against mine, leaning on the table, chin in a propped up hand.

Clearing my throat as my friends began arguing with Kaminari, trying to ignore the warmth and scent of Katsuki, I took out my phone to jot down the menu options.

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