Birthday Surprise

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"So, your father died a few days ago. How does that make you feel, Mira?" Mrs. Osaka asked with a 'warm' expression as I sat in the same chair as a few weeks ago, in the white room, my arms covered in a fabric I couldn't bite through again.

My heart hurt, strained, as I could see the fear on my father's face the second before he hit the ground. "I- I don't feel good." I admitted this to the woman. Over the past year, she has become more familiar to me than my father, in a sick, twisted sort of way.

She sighs, uncrossing her legs and leans forward a bit to look at me more on my own level. "You always said you wanted friends, right? However, friends won't help you." She shook her head sadly and I felt another knife dig into my heart. "Your father was surrounded by friends. He had the support of family, the support of lovers, the support of some 'heroes'."

The way Mrs. Osaka said heroes sent a shiver down my spine. She said it with such distaste, it made me yearn to be a hero just to upset her. Like the smile man.

"But look at what that did for him. Nothing. Your father, with all his support, jumped off the top of one of the tallest skyscrapers in Japan."

I winced at that, the memory of the blood splattering my body as my father landed right next to me. I felt my canines pop out and an urge to rip the 'bloodied' skin off my body came over me.

"That's why you don't need friends. That's why you don't need support. It won't help you in the long run. You need to rely on nothing but yourself, Mira. Nothing but yourself."

I opened my eyes, staring up at the ceiling of my room as I wake from my memory. The sun filtered in through a space in the curtains, little dust particles shining in the rays of light. It was warn, the blankets hot around my body, my left leg sticking out like a sore thumb. 

"Happy Birthday Mira." I sighed out, rolling onto my side and grabbing my phone, checking the time. Saturday, May 18th. 8:30 a.m. Why can't I ever sleep past nine? 

Knowing full well I would not be falling asleep again, I push myself up and knock the blankets off me, slipping on my slippers and making my way to the bathroom, stretching my arms as I yawned. Leaving the door open, I turn on the shower and strip down, stepping in and closing the glass door as the hot water touched my skin.

I stood under the water for a bit, going over my memory. It wasn't as... heart-wrenching as I expected. Maybe I am getting better. Maybe it's just because I know that I have support. I have - have friends. That won't push me to suicide, that would actually help me.

I grab my 'orchid' shampoo, stepping from under the water and lathering my hair, scrubbing my scalp in slow motions, enjoying the feeling. After I try making a hair cone, I grab my 'orchid' scented body wash and lather my body, the scent mingling with the steam of the hot water. I step back under the water and closed my eyes, letting the water rinse my body clean.

I like the scent of Orchids and Jasmine.

I shake my head, chasing the thought out. Not important. Just a coincidence.

I was now officially seventeen years old. 

I don't feel any different. I feel... blank. I don't have any emotion. I'm seventeen years old, woke up with a bad memory, and feel blank. Is it because I am just still waking up? Maybe because of what Bakugo told me yesterday... I still don't know how to respond. 'I'll try my best to be better'. That sounds terrible. What about... 'You need to stick with me after telling me all my problems Katsuki Bakugo!'. Nope, doesn't work. 

Maybe I just need to come to terms with how terrible I really am and ask for help, for once.

"Agh." I step back and grab my 'orchid' scented conditioner, rubbing it through my hair and scalp before letting it rinse off. How would Shoto wake up on his birthday? The same as me. We are kind of lost on the birthday deal.

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora