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*Sorry for a 3 week late update! Life got really busy and I didn't have any chapters written in advance to publish, unlike the Fun Sparks!*

*Second to last chapter before training camp! Whoo!*

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We were cuddled up on the sofa, both of us wearing a set of my pajamas. Something played on the tv but we were focused on each other. Both puffy eyed and sniffling, bags of chips and bowls of empty ramen littering the coffee table.

Yuuko and I talked about so much shit that it hurt physically, as if I was being tossed in a blender. 

After we got home, and a short convo about the new furniture, we got comfortable at the table and began. Eventually, night fell and I tossed Yuuko a pair of my pajamas and we hopped onto the sofa with junk food.

She told me about what she heard of my treatment by our grandmother. That everyone was signing of on her being kind and welcoming, training me well. And that since I was expressionless, she never knew. I admitted that I didn't want to be seen as a baby bitch so I never openly told anyone how much grandma hated me until after she died. 

The conversation went on and on.

The apprehension at what to do with me when I snapped when she died. Why I considered myself tortured. I didn't go into great detail, but I explained that the therapist created a fake everything and used her Quirk to drag me into her hands and experiment on my Blood Quirk.

That's when the tears started flowing. We went to the sofa after that.

I told Yuuko how I met the little girl who apparently died because of the major earthquake, how her presence made me determined to become a hero no matter what. I broke down there.

Then we moved onto what the board was doing to us. Yuuko described the pressure they were putting down on her to use me as a product to make more money. And when one of their P.I.'s found out about her infertility, they forced Yuuko into two options.

Marry me off or establish me as the heiress.

That they could only do so because while I signed away the initial inheritance of the company, the board members still owned part of me due to being a Kazama. That they had the legal means to use my status as the last person able to carry on the legacy against us. 

That she didn't give up until the day before her birthday.

By the end of it - after me describing how I made my friends and what happened to me that week, I made up my mind.

And forgave Yuuko.

Because, in the end, I do love her. And the more we talked, the more I realized the parallels between us. And I knew that I needed her in some form in my life - and I would rather have Yuuko as my friend and sister-figure than as an enemy.

We got pajamas on and ate junk food as we watched a movie. And, curled up under blanketsI felt at peace.

"You never explained how you got such close friends. Or when you got Bakugo to be your boyfriend," Yuuko said softly as the random channel flickered to commercial. Not able to pick anything to watch, we put cable on.

I leaned and placed my head on the back of the sofa. A tiny smile tugged at my lips.

"Well, I started off going to lunch with them and threw chicken skewers at my now-boyfriend because he spilled cranberry juice on my skirt." Yuuko chuckled and I lightly elbowed her. "They first started trying to be my close friends when I woke up at hospital after USJ. I ended up there in the end because I tried saving Katsuki from the blow. And well... he told me to stop sacrificing myself and gave me fried chicken so instant connection."

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now