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I was still in some state of shock. I managed to clean up the dropped onigiri, ate, washed the dishes, and went back to the room. Only to sit on the soft chair instead of lay back down because my face flushed and my heart got a little more active.

What happened? All I did was wake up this morning. What did I do for Katsuki to come over and decide it's okay for him to just begin biting me like that. Or touching me at all, without permission?

Let's be fucking honest, he has all the permission in the world. Damn it.

Absentmindedly, I reached up to touch my neck, hood pulled down and hair freed. I could feel a tingling sensation there still, so faint. The marks, bite marks and red, looked painful. But it would be gone by tomorrow morning.

But why did it feel like that? Why didn't it hurt? What was that feeling in the pit of my stomach -that lingered- and the shivers down my spine? I don't know anything about how it feels, how to do anything. Does Katsuki? Or was he just following instincts?

Fucking instincts. Doing shit at 5:20 in the morning.

Was that what Yuuko was talking about when she said it was pleasurable? But who gives a fuck. She's a -

I shook my head, slamming my hands on my cheeks.

"Don't shit on your last remaining family member, Mira," I scold, my cheeks stinging lightly. "Even if you feel like she deserves it at times. Remember, she's still with me."

Yuuko. I love her, I suppose. Is it love? I love Shoto like a brother, that I know. But do I love Yuuko, or is it just a need to say 'she's my family'. I only really got to know her after our grandmother died. Because of her personality, it was easy to talk to her about almost anything. But... she hasn't helped much, and even thought going back there was going to help me. Does she really care? Yuuko says she does, and likes to call me a lot. But at the end of the day, are my doubts true?

I hope not. After all, her birthday is Tuesday and I plan on at least giving her a hug. At least I am trying.

My phone rung, the alarm going off. I slung it put of the pocket and turned the alarm off. Time for me to go home and get my bags packed. To go to Tokyo.

I look around the room once more. It seems so much more appealing than my own. I don't really want to leave. But, after all, it's not my space but Katsuki's - maybe who won't have a problem with me using his room. Except he's on his way to Best Jeanist.

Fucking leaving for Best Jeanist after giving me a heart attack this morning. Thinking he owns me to do whatever he wants in the morning - I hope he doesn't own me. 

At my current state, I am more if a drag than a real asset. I guess all I have is my body, but even that is wanted mainly for the Quirks. I don't know how to please anyone - and would probably be a drag. How can he even want some nut case like me? My mentality should ruin everything-

I slapped myself. Hard. And I slapped myself again.

No more thinking. No more depressing, not factual thoughts.  Just leave. Go home and pack.

That's what I did. With a stinging cheek - and the force of my own slap caused my Quirk to shut on - I quickly left the Bakugos.


I was thoroughly pissed the fuck off. Like, blow my lid and smack the shit out of someone mad. Sadly, I know better than to do that and can stop myself in public areas like this.

It was now Monday, 29 hours after I left the Bakugos yesterday. I packed, got on a bus, went on a train - only to be told by Yuuko she had an emergency appointment in America and wouldn't be back till Tuesday. So I went into Kaz Co., did some painful training in the underground testing room, and got a hotel a few blocks away. Yuuko didn't respond to any of my calls, neither her husband Kendo.

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