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Stupid fucking nitroglycerin powered dick.

That was my thoughts as I struggled to walk up the stairs, clinging onto the railing for dear life as Katsuki stood right next to me, both annoyed and having an ego boost at once.


After round two, we cuddled before Katsuki got dressed (he had put some clothes and a toothbrush over my house to stop having to leave in the morning) and went to go grab the majority of his condoms to put in my room. Meanwhile, I refused to take a bath by myself in fear of the water, so I waited patiently, unable to use my legs. We bathed together then Katsuki cooked while I was couch ridden. 

Then a movie and we went to bed after we changed the sheets. But before sleep we had round three - with a condom - and then we woke up early - fuck Katsuki for that - to bathe again, so I could walk. Ended up doing round four, and I swear Katsuki was on the verge of laughing his ass off at me.

Because I was sore as fuck. Sure, my legs were shaky and hard to walk on, but damn my... area hurt! Like - I had a hard time sitting down without a cushion! And, sure it's partly my fault, but it's because his dick was too big and his Quirk gave him a harder time to calm down, plus the fact that he teased me and I don't like admitting defeat...

Until I was in tears, I suppose. 

"Just let me fucking pick you up," Katsuki tsked, reaching to grab me around my waist. I elbowed him away with a huff.

"I don't need anymore of you messing with me," I grumbled, finally on the last landing before the second floor. Almost there.

"That's the opposite of what you've been saying since last night when I had you on all-"

"Katsuki!" I cut off, red face.

"What!- Keep moving, Shrimp-Balls!" Katsuki growled, a little pop going off in his hand as he wrapped one arm around my waist. I looked to see Purple-Balls tryna peep.

His nose flared. "I-I am moving, Bakugo! I wouldn't dare try to run past you- eep!"

Katsuki grabbed him by his collar and tossed him up the stairs. I sighed as Katsuki threatened him. He's been a bit overprotective this morning, especially when it came to another guy getting too close, or in his definition: within ten feet of me.

Katsuki placed his arm back around my waist, hanging low, his hand going to settle on my lower abdomen. A possessive hold, but I liked it. I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to be able to push him off, and used him as extra support to go up the last ten steps.

"You are a bit crazy, ya know," I told Katsuki with a soft smile. It was weird, smiling. Even with confirming it for an hour in the mirror, my cheeks still stretched to complete the expression, no matter how small.

But I could smile. And because of the one who gave me a sneer.

"How the fuck am I crazy!?" Katsuki demanded.

"Well, not crazy like me, but like-"

"Mira, are you okay?" Shoto's voice cut me off. We paused and I looked over my shoulder to see him about to step up behind me.

"Oh, hey Shoto! I'm fine- Shoto!" I gasped and turned around sharply in a worry, almost falling on my face if it wasn't for Katsuki's grip on me. 

Shoto, for some reason, just face planted the landing. He tripped on the last step, and now lay flat on his face. I stumbled to help him up, and Katsuki broke into a fit of laughter.

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now