Pain Isn't Wanted

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I was very apprehensive about entering class this morning. I was late, about to miss homeroom in general. 

See... I had some problems putting on my UA skirt. I through on a large, zip-up hoodie, but when I had to put on my skirt... yeah. I still managed to make the bus, Bakugo wondering what took me too long. He was more understanding. Kept surprising me.

Then, when we got to the school building, I had trouble walking up the stairs. Especially inside the building. I argued and argued, and after multiple stares and whispers, Bakugo finally agreed to walk ahead and let me take the stairs on my own. 

So I then spent about twenty minutes climbing the stairs, each one making me move i a way which majorly irritated my bruises.

It was wonderful.

Now, I stood outside the closed door to my class, wondering how the mummy Aizawa will react to seeing me so late. Hopefully I could get out of this without any trouble.

With a deep breath I opened the door.

"So, as I had explained - well, Kazama, I see you decided to join class today." Aizawa said, his body covered in bandages, only part of his hair and eyes visible. And he turned those eyes onto me. Seeing him made me realize how much worse off I would be without my Quirk.

I bow my head, unable to bow my whole torso. "Sorry for being late, Mr. Aizawa. I got here to the building on time, but it took me a while." I told him honestly, hoping it wasn't thought of as an excuse.

Aizawa sighed. "Just take your seat. I was about to explain something."

"Yes, sir." I mumbled, seeing motion in my peripheral and seeing Kirishima and Kaminari wave at me.  I gave them a small wave in return.  

Bakugo tsked at me as I past him, and Midoriya smiled up at me. I sat down between the two, hiding my noise of pain as I did so. I turned to see Sero giving me a small smile and I nodded my head.

I placed my briefcase, which I exchanged for my backpack since it was easier to carry, on my desk and sat up straight as a stick.

"As I was going to say, every afternoon, after one hour of basic hero training you'd be able to use the school grounds to do private training for the upcoming Sports Festival." Aizawa said, looking around at the class. "You can practice alone or with up to two more partners, having three in a group. However, I will be assigning some people together for training. I'll let those people know later."

Suddenly Aizawa's gaze landed on me and I knew what was coming. "And Kazama, if I hear anything about you using your Quirk or doing any type of physical activity that exceeds walking until I give you permission, you will be banned from the Sports Festival." I groaned and tried to slink back in my chair, only for the bruises to react and force me to stay upright.

"No running, sprinting or jogging. No acrobatics or hand to hand combat. No sword fighting. And most importantly - no Quirk usage." The head nurse ordered once again as I stared down at the list of instructions, about to leave the hospital."For at least a week. By then, your bruises will have swelled down significantly and all bones will be as strong as new. With your Quirk, your bruises may be healed completely by then. Ah- also, no school blazers or uniforms of any kind, or any type of tight shirt. It will irritate your bruises with the bandaging."

That is what I was ordered by the hospital. It was known, from my history, that I never really listened to instructions when I got majorly injured. I usually had to return to the hospital within a week after discharge due to me being too physical after injuries. Mainly because of that place

"Are you saying that you expect us to make sure she doesn't do anything?" Ida stood up, asking the question. I turned to look out the window in annoyance, crossing my arms.

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