Don't Worry

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"People say having a blank face is bad. That it means you are mentally messed up." I flinched as Mrs. Osaka's hand ran up my arm as she walked around me, placing her hands firmly on my shoulders as we stared into a mirror. My face, young at ten years of age, stared back blank with a mouth guard in, strapped around my jaw.

"But I think that's a terrible way of thinking." Osaka smiled chillingly in the mirror at me as her hands squeezed my shoulders. "See, Mirayu," I grit my teeth at her using the nickname my mother and grandmother used, "Being blank and cold is absolutely wonderful."

I wanted to smack the living shit out of her. My arms strained against the straight-jacket  arms and Mrs. Osaka tsked. She doesn't know how it feels to have the whole world bare down on you like some insane animal just because you can't cry. Can't smile. Can't even frown. Can't express yourself physically. But it's amazing?

"Honestly, so unrefined." She tapped my head and I couldn't move, body freezing painfully. "Your expressionless face is wonderful, because no matter how terrible a situation is, no one will ever know how you feel. You don't need to put in the effort to hide your thoughts. It's perfect for lying, for being a spy, for killing."

Her claw of a finger trailed it's way around the outline of my face before gripping my jaw tightly and angling my face, painfully, to look at her malicious eyes.

"I hope that when I call on you again, you'll still be a blank canvas that I can paint on." Then the door opened and the man in the mask came in. 

I woke up eyes closed, forearms aching painfully, back sore , something liquid and warm covering my face and arms. I pushed my bent body up, and opened my eyes, seeing a pool if blood surrounding my arms as my fingers dug in so deep into my skin.

Fear enveloped my heart out of instinct and my Air and Blood Quirks activated, my fingers digging out of my flesh and  blasting me away from the pool of blood, the surface it was on breaking. And I was being flown backwards, the seat I was in flying to the ground as my body went flown back.

Next thing I knew was a painful crack, the sound of glass shattering, the breath being hit out of me, then light shrouded me as I landed painfully on glass and grass and dirt, groaning as the light blue sky and clouds shone down on me. It took me a second to regain my breath as cuts from the glass healed and my head stopped aching from landing on the ground. 

That was a painful awakening.

My arms blared in pain and I lifted them, groaning at the blood that flowed out of the deep, finger sized holes in them. It looked as if I tried to rip my arms apart and almost succeeded. And I groaned even louder when realizing I did this with my Quirk off, meaning it wasn't going to heal in a few seconds. And it was bleeding quite heavily. 

Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. Why are my hands and fingers so fucking strong on my flesh? Was it some hidden strength that came with the fact I was having a bad memory? Whatever it was, I was fucked. 

I need to call Shoto. I need help bandaging. And, with the amount of blood I was loosing, I was going to need a refill. And I am going to have to get a new table and fix the sliding doors. Great.

Despite all of the shit I needed to do, I couldn't find the strength to stand up and just let myself lay there, on top of broken glass and grass as I stared up at the sky. 

Why can't I wake up peacefully, for once? I was up all night, talking to Yuuko, happy about widening my eyes. How do I fall asleep happy, get a had dream, then wake up almost tearing the flesh off my arms? Is it that hard for my memories to leave me alone? Can't I just have one night without bad dreams?

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