Some Company

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I got released Monday afternoon, at 1 p.m., with instructions on how to treat my bandages and what not to do. I could take them off in a week, as I would most likely be healed by then. 

It was difficult, walking down the slight steps and stepping onto the bus, sitting down. I was wearing a loose hoodie the hospital lent me, to avoid compression on my bandages, but if I bent too much one way everything 'collided' and it hurt. I could handle it, though.

But I'm hungry. That porridge shit really isn't good. I need some real food. But I don't know what. Chicken? Some type of takeout? Wait... I might have some meat in the fridge since... Wednesday. It shouldn't be spoiled yet, right? I mean, my fridge is pretty cold.

I try to lean back in the seat, to get comfortable, only to wince in pain. My bones creaked at the movement and bruises got rubbed the pressing of the seat into my back. I guess I'd be forcing myself to sit straight for a while now. Luckily, I heal quick.

I stare out the window as the city passed by, people milling about on the streets. I ended up getting lost in thought, wondering what I should do about this past Saturday. I mean, a rude and asshole of a classmate made me cry for the first time in ten years. 

How am I supposed to see him after that? We live on the same block. Take the same bus to school. I mean, what made that ass say those words to me? Was it that terrible what I did?

But, he can't be all that bad. He did bring me fried chicken. That's a major plus. So, I'll treat him as someone who is coming into my good graces. Food friends are always needed.

I was snapped back to reality when the bus pulled to a stop, somehow at my stop. Groaning as I grab my back and stand up, I walk off the bus with a huff, a light breeze wafting about me. I begin my path down the three blocks, past the large beige house until my one story house.

I grab my key out of my bag, unlocking it and letting myself in. The air was so still, unused for a couple of days.  I sighed and locked the door behind me, walking over to the sofa. Tossing my bag on the coffee table, I pick up the remote, turn the tv on, and spend almost ten minutes trying to sit comfortably before I turned my romantic comedy drama on.


"She needs the pain. With how her Quirk works, the faster she gets used to the pain, the more she can use it. The more we can experiment." The scientists argued behind the mirrored window, leaving the mic on. They talked about me like I didn't even exist, like I was a rat in a lab. 

My little body was huddled in the corner, tears pressing hard to fall but would not come out. My body was healing from the practice I just had, from the fight training, from the man with a black bird mask that hid his face and hurt me more than Mr. Enji. My canines pocked my bottom lio painfully, my Blood Quirk staying on no matter what.

"She's still just eight We should hold back just a bit for today." The nicer of the two said while the other one snorted. "We can't have her begin to awaken her Air Quirk due to the pain yet. That would be too much for us."

My Air Quirk? They never talk about that with me around. The scientists practically ignored it, focusing solely on my Blood Quirk and the training me.  Only allow me usage to sense my surroundings.

"She's fine. The pain intake of increased with age. I am starting the next session." The second scientist and fear rammed through my young body. I heard a sigh, some moving around, and my young muscles tensed, preparing for the pain.

"Three..." a button was pressed and that high pitched noise filled the room. I didn't bother to cover my ears, digging my face between my knees. "Two..." it was useless to ask them to stop. They never listened.

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now