Only 1 Week

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"Is she sleep?" Mrs. Osaka's voice filtered through my pounding head. My eyes were closed, hands tied down, a shining light making me want to keep them closed. And my head hurt - a lot.

"The drugs will be wearing off soon. Her body is adapting to them faster than we expected." That was the lead scientist - I jever saw his face before. And I didn't want to.

I heard a tsk. "So much potential with her blood... we mustn't tell her what it can do with fire and heat." Mrs. Osaka was stern, commanding.

"But if we tell her and train her, imagine what we could do through her!  The destruction she can cause!" He sounded excited. It scared me.

"Garaki." Mrs. Osaka's voice was steel. Ice. "If we tell her, she'll only use it against us. If she knew, she'll be too powerful. Just with her Air Quirk."

I blearily opened my eyes, everything a blur.

"Fine, Adria." The man sighed. "But I doubt he would agree for long." I saw the blurry outline of Mrs. Osaka. But she looked... different.

Her hair was red, not brown. This was Adria? Who was Adria?

"I'll discuss it with him later. For now... let's put her back to sleep."

Before I could so anything, a mask was placed on my head. And I quickly fell into darkness.


I poured water over my head, rejoicing in the coldness as the water dripped down my hair and face. Soon, my shoulders and chest were wet. I tossed the bottle in a nearby can, walking over to the shade of a tree. My beige, spaghetti-strap tank top- a rare color in my closet - gave me brief reprieve from the boiling heat.

It was Saturday, 11:55 a.m., as a quick glance to my watch told me. Shoto should be here soon. I don't know if I can have a proper conversation in this heat. Maybe we should go to a cafe and sit in the corner. But if it happens to get loud or emotional...

Friday was a tense day for me. Everyone picked out their hero internships and I was forced to sit out of the hero basic study stuff. And I got a lot of questions for downing tons of Aleve, and all I could say was that it runs out quickly. Then Shoto and I ended up agreeing to meet at the park at 12 Saturday.

And, to relax my nerves, I followed Katsuki to his house and joined the Bakugos for dinner. And slept by myself that night - although it was fit-full. 

I felt I needed time to think before I woke up and got ready to speak to Shoto. I still... don't know how to explain my feelings to him.

I sat down on the grass, cool from the shade of the tree. Much cooler than the blaring sun.

I lean back in my hands and roll my neck back, my hair out and sticking to the back of my neck. It was so hot and uncomfortable - and long hair sucks with this heat. And it sucks even more that I hate tying my hair up.

And it sucks even fucking more that my lower abdomen was cramping.

 But... it's nothing compared to how I feel about myself. I have done a good job of hiding my true emotions, drowning them in a ruby-eyed male but now I need to face them. 

And maybe get them resolved today.

My eyes were closed, but I knew when Shoto arrived. The soft crunch of grass of footsteps that stopped next to me. The rustle of clothes as he sat down. The soft sigh that gave away exactly who he was.

We said nothing for a little while. I believe it was the same reason for the both of us - to build up courage to tell the only other person who knows all our secrets how we truly feel right now. About what my breakdown meant about our views and our problems.

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now