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"Thanks, Sero. For inviting me." I said as all of us stood on the street, ready to go to our respective bus stops.

"Of course I'm going to invite you. Don't thank me." Sero lightly swatted my shoulder with a smile.

"We'll see you tomorrow everyone!" Mina shouted, giving me a quick hug. "Our bus is here!" She nodded to the one that just pulled up at the bus stop at the end of the block.

"See you all! Can't wait to go back to hero training!" Kirishima pumped a fist and he and Mina ran to the bus. Bakugo tsked in return.

"They live in the same area?" I asked, watching the pair jump on the bus.

"Yeah. They are both from the same Junior High." Kyoka mumbled offhandedly. She turned to look at me with a soft smile. "My bus stop is a few blocks down. I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you, Kyoka." I waved at her slightly.

"Hey, that's my bus stop too, in that direction!" Kaminari shouted as Kyoka began to walk away. "Sero, thanks for letting me stay over. Kazama, Bakugo, see you tomorrow!"

"Watch where you're going!" I shouted as Kaminari waved at us as he ran in the same direction of Kyoka, tripping over some random ass stick. Bakugo huffed and muttered 'idiot', as usual.

"See you tomorrow, Sero." I turn to the tall man. He nodded at me.

"If you don't survive, then we know who's the blame." Sero winked at me and I laughed.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Bakugo asked, sounding annoyed.

"Nothing much." I said, shrugging, adjusting the strap of my luggage bag on my shoulder. "Come on, let's go. The bus leaves in five minutes."

"Yeah, whatever." Bakugo huffed. I waved to Sero again and he walked back into his house. Bakugo and I headed in the opposite direction of Kyoka and Kaminari.

Bakugo and I fell into a comfortable silence as we made our way to our bus stop, both carrying duffel-bags and our school briefcases.

I think you need to reconsider your relationship.

That line bothers me. Reconsider our relationship... why? Is it so wrong to just stay friends? What if I decide I don't want to be friends with Bakugo - ugh.

A shiver of disgust rolled through me at that thought and I verbally made a sound of disgust.

"What's wrong with you now?" My eyes snapped to the side to see Bakugo frowning, looking at me softly.

"I thought 'what if I decided I didn't want to be friends with Bakugo' and felt a shiver of disgust roll through me." I answered quite honestly. And with the way Bakugo's eyes widened and he tore his gaze away, I think it was pretty obvious about how surprised my words surprised him. The tips of his ears were pink.

"Why are your thoughts so stupid?"

"Yeah, that was a pretty stupid thought." I agreed with him. "I mean, how can I not be at least a friend with you? I spend my whole day with you, practically." I mutter, thinking of my earlier convo with Kyoka. My whole day passed with Bakugo.

Is that a good thing or bad thing?

"No one's forcing you to spend time with me, Vampy. Go find someone better to spend it with." Bakugo growled softly and it took all my effort not to roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I hate you so much. I mean, I can walk away when I spend with you, but I hate you so much that I have no problems being around you most of the day." I said, sarcasm lacing my voice. "You're a dumbass."

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now