No Noise

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"L-let m-me g-go!" I tried to warn as I felt the release of the air again. But the male didn't listen, and my face was buried against his chest as the air left my body, painful and relieving at the same time.

My heart tore in my chest as I heard such a painful grunt leave the lips of the male carrying me.

I woke with a sudden urge to see Bakugo. But my eyes wouldn't open.

"Be careful. They stick to the skin." A voice filtered into my head. My body hurt. Like, it really hurt. My muscles were so sore and my head pounded away. 

I need to make sure Bakugo gets healed. There was no way he took that blast full on without damage.

My leg moved a bit as something was pulled off. I groaned, the slight movement hurting me. The groan then caused my head to pound with the sound.

"Mira? Are you awake?" I knew that voice. 

I opened my eyes, so very slightly, the motion and the light causing black spots to cloud my vision. But, I saw Kyoka. 

"Ch-ch-" I could barely speak without pain. Her hand grabbed mine, and my eyes closed, unable to stay open.

"Just relax. It's Mina and I, taking off the hot-pads since they are done with." She informed, voice calm and soft, somehow aware of my headache.

"Bak-" I winced. "Ba-Bakugo?" I barely pushed out, feeling my body try to lull me back to sleep to avoid the massive pain exploding in my head. Kyoka's hand tightened.

"He's getting healed by Recovery Girl right now." She said reassuringly and my heart was both uplifted and sunken at once. "Todoroki didn't have any major injuries, as he was fast to use ice to protect himself." 

My fingers, even them sore, squeezed hers back as my conscious began leaving, wanting to escape the pain. My heart throbbed in pain. "I-I hurt them. I-I r-really hurt them..." and with that last thought, I trailed off into sleep, muscles hurting, head hurting, heart hurting.


"Make sure she never uses her Air Quirk. With what we do, she'll be likely to have a Quirk Awakening, and we won't be able to stop her." Mrs. Osaka ordered everyone, thinking I was sleep.

I should be sleep, due to the amount I vomited after what I did. 

I got so angry today. So, so angry. For the first time, Shoto couldn't visit me on Friday. They said he was injured - in the hospital. I got so angry at that. How can Shoto be injured? Why can't I protect him?

I was so angry. My little body trembled in anger. The scientists told me to use my Blood Quirk. I didn't listen. They sent a guard in to bully me into submission. But I was so, so angry. So angry that for the first time in a year I used my Air Quirk. 

It hurt, using it after so long. It hurt, and it was fueled by my anger. And when the guard tried to touch me, I grabbed his uniform and released all my anger into him. And then blood splattered me, the white walls. Wet, chunky blood.

I was confused for a while, not sure what I was looking at. Until my mind clicked and I put two-and-two together.

I blasted the top half of the guard off. His guts covered me and the floor and walls. And with that realization, my anger left and instead disgust and sickness filled me, and I began vomiting and vomiting and hyperventilating.

"You hear me!" Mrs. Osaka roared, making me jump from my day dream. They all mumbled yes, afraid of her. Everyone was afraid of Mrs. Osaka.

When she turned to look at me, her eyes weren't brown. They weren't glowing either. They were just... red. A very dark red, it was almost black. It scared me.

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя