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* was reading some chapters to check for spelling mistakes... realized choked was autocorrected to chocked. Edits are going to happen in the future, during Winter Break *


The water was cool as it rained on me, the tiles freezing underneath my feet and naked behind. I sat naked, legs scrunched to my chest, chin between my knees, arms wrapped around my legs. Under the cold water of the shower. My hair was matted down against my back and shoulders, water sliding off of my body in waves.

I don't know how long I sat here. All I knew, when I woke up this morning in a pant, I needed a cold shower.

Why? Multiple reasons. First - I was pissed off with myself. I ended up agreeing to Hawks request - though it will take effect in the future. Two - my dream is messing with me.

I find it weird. I know sex - I know what it is and how it happens. But I don't know how to sex, if that makes sense? I didn't know that Katsuki gave me hickey's the other day, or the feeling that grew in the pit of my stomach or down there when he did it or when I woke up this morning. Or what it was that escaped that area onto my panties. 

Just all from imaging his body pressed against me. That expanse of heat, the way it felt even in my dream, the way his lips moved-

I pulled my head back and took a battering of cold water to my face. I shook my head sharply and stood up, quickly washing my body, and jumped out.

I can't think about this. I have plans today. Yuuko is coming back and it's her birthday. Plus, I have an appointment to get to and some training as well.

I kept my mind as clear as I could, except for that I was worried. I wasn't going to see Yuuko until after I did my appointment. How would she react? She shouldn't care, right? I'm not the heiress to the business, and I have legality over my own self. If she doesn't like it, it'll be fine. Hopefully.

For some extra courage, I put on the shirt that Katsuki got me, along with my black leggings that I always felt confident in. It'll be a good day today. It will.

I don't know if I fully believed that.


I stared at the building, still half shocked. My reflection bounced back at me from the thick windows, showing me just how different I looked. With the hair that now came down to my shoulders - perfect as to not get stuck when moving. My streaks are now reaching up to almost connect over my skull. So different.

I liked it.

But the implications it would mean to my lineage...

I shook my head sharply, enjoying the way I could feel the strands of hair brush my nape. The hair felt soft. Good. It fucking hurt when the barber cut it.

I squared my shoulders, held onto the bags from both Dior and Chanel - Yuuko's favorite shops. I walked past the front doors, security giving me a nod, though the main guards seemed a bit put off by my appearance inside the building. I gave them a short wave and walked straight to the elevator.

The entrance of the building wasn't anything super unique. The walls were an off-white, a hint of blue. The ceiling tall, a shop off to the left for walk-ins (if they had a badge). A large white desk for the secretaries of the 'entrance exams' (as I would like to call it) with a wall of TV screens showing news networks and ads for Kaz Co. The guards were all verified by the police and military, and had enough experience to put someone six-feet-under in five seconds. The secretaries questioned everyone who came in unless they were put into the system three weeks in advance. There were a lot of... experiments on products that could be termed 'dangerous' at work in the lower levels. 

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora