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Not everyone can grieve properly.

When a loved one is lost, some have the people needed to help them get through the harsh times. To help heal that empty, sorrowful gap enough to move on in life. To bring them from the shadows of their hearts and back into the light, with bits of joy and warmth.

And then there are those who has lost.

And lost.

And continued to lose.

Over and over, she lost someone or something important to her.

Her mother.

Her expression.

Her father.

Her will to live.

Her grandmother.

Her muse.

Her sanity.

She has always hid it, the true way the lost has destroyed her. For most of it stemmed from one person, one vile existence. 

And she continued to lose. She turned to pain; accepted pain, accepted death, and accepted the guilt that tore at her.

She forgot what it meant to let go of the pain, to let go of all those harmful feelings. To be surrounded by joy and warmth and family. She had one person, the only one to tie her to a semblance of staying alive.

Until, one day, colors of joy exploded into her world.

Until, one day, she finally realized how much more she had to lose.

So that pain slowly began to wither. That scent of death started to fade. But the guilt and memories stayed with her - so she had to hide it. Hide it so no one could see what she truly was beneath the surface.

They told her to grieve. She no longer remembered how to grieve. Only how to hide.

But now, now she is afraid of more than the colors learning what is hidden beneath.

She is afraid of losing them. 

She always loses what is deathly important to her.

It's not the lack of true grievance hiding in her heart. The overwhelming sensation of guilt. The constant experience of pain. The death that marks her existence.

It's because she, once again, has so much to lose.

 And that breaks her more than what she might wish to admit.


4 Days After Camp - 2 After Kamino Ward

"Her vitals are perfect. Blood work came back inconclusive, as the blood hardened in the vial before we could test. X-Ray and MRI's are negative for any issues. Honestly, there is nothing physically wrong with her."

The doctor flipped through his diagnostic papers as he stood to the right of the hospital bed, Aizawa sitting in the chair on the left, next to the window. He had elbows on his knees, hands clasped and chin resting on them.  Yuuko was leaning against the wall, wearing sweats as she listened with a calm expression, though her eyes had bags and her hair was a bit unruly.

"What about sustenance? The IV isn't working, correct?" Aizawa prompted, thinking.

The male doctor sighed and closed his papers, placing them under his arm. "We were able to give her blood since her Quirk is on. We were worried about not being able to give her an IV, but her Quirk is keeping her body regulated. She should be fine for up to... about six months without medical assistance. After that..."

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now