An Invitation

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I just stood at the entrance to the building, stiff and unsure. Classes were out and I had a bus to catch. But someone stood in my way, who stared down at me with his heterochromatic eyes. Which I had trouble looking into.

I was waiting for one person, who decided to use the restroom before we got on the bus and headed into the city. Since I wanted to go to a store and get something to eat. And as I waited here, Shoto walked up to me and just stared.

Neither of us said anything. I didn't know what to say. How to apologize. How to... explain my emotions. Ugh.

"I shouldn't have told Midoriya anything about you. It wasn't my place." Shoto finally said something. I let go of a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"He's not a bad person, so I can see why'd you tell him your troubles." Gosh I sounded off. Uncomfortable. So... weird, especially since it's Shoto of all people.

"That doesn't excuse the fact that I spilled some of your story. It's not mine to tell, and I broke your confidence by doing that." I couldn't respond. Couldn't say that was wrong. Because that's exactly how I thought I felt at first. But not how I felt now - and I didn't know how to put it into words.

I sighed and lowered my head, rocking back on my heels. I should just talk with him. Get it out of my system. But I didn't know what to say, after all that I yelled at him. I... I don't know what to do.

"Kazama! Todoroki!" We both snap out gazes to the bright voice, stopping next to us. Midoriya, with bright eyes and a wary smile. His innocence sometimes feels like a bullet to my heart, when I look into his eyes.

"Yes, Midoriya?" Shoto asks, calm and kind. Midoriya looked between us and seemed to steel his nerves.

"I apologize for causing you both to become unfriendly with each other! If it wasn't for me, you'd both be getting along just like normal."

I blinked a few times, sensing Shoto's shock as well.

I started shaking my head, placing my free hand on Midoriya's shoulder and pushing him up. 

"You did nothing wrong, so stop bowing!" I said, a bit flustered. Midoriya stared at me, about to refute, but I continued. "I was mad at Shoto for telling you without asking if it was all right with me. But, in the end, I'm more upset with myself."

I leaned forward a bit. We were practically the same height. Midoriya's round, green eyes seemed to be a bit sad, as if going over my words and what he knew about me so far. I patted his shoulder again. 

"Midoriya, don't apologize for our own mess. You're a good person, but don't take others faults and push it on yourself. Okay?" I was being sincere. Midoriya wasn't the problem, he didn't cause a problem. It was something between Shoto and I, and I don't like seeing Midoriya push blame into himself.

His eyes seemed to get more determined, and be took my hand on his shoulder in his own. His hands were rough, a sign of hard work. He looked at Shoto then I, eyes hardened with something similar to determination.

"Kazama, you should have a full conversation with Todoroki. If the problem is between you guys, then fix it! I don't like seeing best friends so cold to each other!"

I breathed in slowly and looked over to Shoto. He seemed to share Midoriya's sentiments. As did I. But...

I'm not ready. I don't have the strength to splay my emotions out again, not right now. I don't have my thoughts together, don't have the will to do it right now. Not when I felt so bad about myself, but hid it perfectly.

I couldn't look either in their eyes. Not as Midoriya dropped my hand, or patted me on the shoulder. Not as he waved bye and walked away. I just stared down at the ground, feeling my shoulders slouch.

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