Just Some Fun

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"Sit down with us, Mira!" Mina pushed my legs that were hanging off the sofa, pouting up at me. 

"Come on, you'll enjoy it!" Kirishima said, smiling at me. "We'll explain it to you."

I groaned, seeing each one of them look up at me, seated around the coffee table, a deck of black and colorful cards in their hands.

"Hey, even Bakugo is joining in, so you might as well do the same." Kaminari said, shuffling the deck with a light shrug. Bakugo, who sat to the left of Sero and to the right of Kirishima, just growled but stayed quiet.

"I don't even know the name of the game." I countered, not wanting to inhibit the fun of the game that they were about to play. I have never seen cards like that before in my life, and quite honestly I was embarrassed.

When Bakugo and I returned, I fell on the sofa with Mina and Kirishima, and we played some CoD, munching on my candy. Until everyone rejoined and decided to play this game. Card game. I have never played a card game before. Or board game. Or anything that wasn't online.

"It's called UNO." Kyoka said patiently. "Just sit. You can't live the rest of your life without playing UNO."

She was right, but still. "But I shouldn't-"

"Sit your ass down already!" Bakugo shouted and my legs pushed me to sit between Mina and Kirishima. 

"So you only listen to Boom Boy, huh?" Kirishima joked, nudging my elbow. I huffed, stopping the light blush that wanted to spread across my cheeks, though failing. I'd have to practice that.

I wasn't that shocked by being able to blush. It's just that now I need to practice on keeping the blush down when I'm embarrassed or shit.

"Okay, let's go over some rules!" Kaminari shouted as he began dealing the cards out, one at a time. 

"I'll be going first, since I'm to the left." Sero said, waiting for... seven cards to be dealt out. As Kaminari put the deck down, flipping the top card over to reveal a yellow 2, everyone grabbed the black cards and looked at them without showing everyone. Hesitantly, I did the same.

"You need to match the color or the number of the card on the table." Kyoka said and I glanced over my seven cards. Two yellow, two blue, one red, and two multicolored with a 4+ on it.

Sero slammed down a yellow 9. Bakugo followed with a yellow card with a 2+ on it. 

"Man! I can't stack!" Kirishima said and Bakugo smirked evilly. Kirishima grabbed two cards from the deck.

"There are wild cards, that are multicolored. You can only play them if you don't have the color on the table." Mina said and I placed down my yellow 8. 

"There are two type of draw cards: A wild card with a draw 4 and the draw 2 Bakugo just placed." Kyoka changed the color to blue with a blue 8 on top of Mina's 8. Hmm...

"You can stack the draw cards, adding up the count, and if not you draw the number and get skipped." Kaminari said, continuing the blue trend.

"Well officially you can't stack. But who gives a f?" Mina mused and I nodded, seemingly understanding.

"And whenever you don't have the number, a wild, or the color, you need to draw a card!" Sero said as he drew one, Bakugo tsking and slamming down another blue.

"Well, what about the circle sign with a line in it?" I asked, placing my blue card on top of Kirishima's. Mina groaned.

"That's a skip!" She said, not placing anything down. Kyoka smiled and placed a green skip. "And now she skipped Kaminari."

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