Deleted Scenes pt.2

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This last scene is a long one: it was going to be originally 2 chapters (this is part one) but I decided against it. 

This takes place right after Morning*

"This is fucking embarrassing."

"Relax, you look good."

"I'm wearing a yellow top! With a blue floral design! And a blue miniskirt!"

"And? Too unique for you?"

"Did we have to go to a cafe? I don't want to be seen right now."

"Oh, just relax. You look beautiful. If I was a male, cough-Bakugo-cough, I would be thinking if the fastest way to lay you flat and fuck-"

"Kyoka shhhhh!"

"Sit down. We're gonna eat, so stop freaking out."

I grumbled and slid in the booth farthest away from the nearest customer. Kyoka slid in, after grabbing a menu, to sit next to me. It was a rectangular one, easily able to fit eight people, with red backing and a light-wood table.

Tuesday afternoon. It was about two hours after classes ended. Before I could even leave the lunch room, after cleaning the cafeteria and doing kitchen duty, Kyoka whisked me away to her house. Apparently, sensing my major hesitance to wear the new clothes, she snuck away some of them. And forced me to change into them, holding the fantasies I told her about over my head. Thankfully, she didn't press me about the flat bracelet that the sleeves covered.

So now, I currently am wearing colors. No red, no black or gray. Yellow and blue.

A v-line yellow crop-top. Long sleeved, pale-yellow rib-nit top, with mini, cerulean blue flowers decorating the sleeves up to my shoulders like vines. Then a cerulean blue, flared mini-skirt, just about to hit mid-thigh.

Kyoka wore a peach-colored t-shirt with a graphic design on it with, paired with khaki, straight leg jeans. After my complaints of her always wearing purple, she put on the top. And now we sat here, waiting for the others, me grumbling as we went over the menu.

"I still don't get why I have to wear this. Can't just shorts and a regular tank-top work?" I ask with a pouty voice, my bag on the table, chin propped on my palm. Kyoka sighed, done with me.

"You need to expand your wardrobe. Stop being stuck in a routine. That's why." She slammed a menu in my face. "Pick something, since you wanna pay."

"Shouldn't we wait for everyone first?"

"They'll eat anything."

Sighing, I glance down at the the menu, looking over the appetizers. "Your parents are cool."

In the corner of my eye, I saw Kyoka blush. "Yeah, they like you."

I felt my shoulders straighten. "Well, I'm glad. The least I can do is have a good first impression.."

Kyoka snorted, raising five fingers. "Let's get five appetizers."

"Will that be enough to feed four growing guys who exercise daily, along with three females that eat a whole ton?" Kyoka quirked a brow at my tone of voice.

"That's just the appetizers. What's the problem, Miss Billionaire? Can't afford dinner?" She teased me and I felt a blush hit my cheeks, sighing out.

"Five apps, six sides, whatever you guys want to drink, and a hot pot?"

She clapped. "I've been craving hot-pot!"

I nodded. "So how about-"

"Oh my gosh, Mira! That's the shirt I picked out!" My eyes went to see Mina running to us in the corner, bouncing, eyes alight. I sighed even more, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Stand up!"

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