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Thursday night, I was sprawled out in the Bakugo's backyard, on the lounge sofa. A glass of some  juice was on the ledge of the fireplace in the middle, that was off, and my stomach was full of good food. The night wasn't warm, but the chill in the air wasn't cold enough to permeate my sweater and joggers.

I was currently alone, and I wanted to see the stars. No light except the moon above. 

Mitsuki asked me if I liked the moon or sun more. And I realized that I have refused to look at the stars since the nomu attacked me. If only I could have changed that night, gone to the top of the building with Katsuki. 

Just to bask in the stars. They were so bright that night. And they were bright tonight, visible away from the city. 

No clouds, no blearing skyscrapers. Just the midnight blue sky peppered with diamonds.

I heard the sound of the door open and close, a light tsk, and a smile fleeted by my lips. Footsteps walked around and then there was a dip at my foot as my legs were pushed apart and Katsuki came to lay between them. His head rested on my chest and his arms wrapped around my torso, his weight settling on me as he nestled his cheek to find a comfortable place on my breasts. 

I sighed out but took my hands to his hair, playing with his hair with tender hands.

We stayed like that a while. Me treading fingers through his hair as Katsuki cuddled into me, holding me closely. The longer I reveled in him, the more guilt I felt. So I forced myself to sound out a question.

"Why haven't you pushed me to tell you everything about me, or why I've ignored all talk of heroes?"

Katsuki froze before relaxing as he gruffly sighed, his fingers beginning to write swirls on my hip, just under the hem of my sweater. I puffed my cheeks, eyes still on the stars, as Katsuki took forever answering.

And he finally answered, when his hand crawled up to my waist. 

"If I tried forcing you to talk you won't say shit and withdraw." I sucked in a breath silently. "You'll tell me when your ready. Even though I do wanna fucking know... I'll wait."

I blinked up at the sky as a pressure built behind my eyes. I breathed out slowly and rested my hands in Katsuki's hair.

I wish it would be so easy. To just spill everything that happened, to go over my past and not feel as if I am wrenching spiked chains from my chest. But it hurts, the thought of people knowing what happened and what I have done - what was done to me. And Katsuki wasn't going to force me to tell him until I was ready.

And when I was, I won't lie. And I'll tell him flat out everything. And be satisfied with what he chooses to do with the information.

Clearing my throat, I finally respond. 

"Get up here and kiss me, idiot," I grumble, tightening my hands in his hair.

 Katsuki chuckled and his body weight was alleviated briefly. And I saw the soft smile on his handsome face and glinting ruby eyes, drowning out he diamond studded sky. Still bright even in the dark.

And he kissed me as I had asked. Full of warmth, slow but steady and heady, making my insides melt and head go blank. 

And too soon did he pull away, and flip us over. On his back, Katsuki had me turn onto my back, our fingers locked over my stomach. My head on his chest, legs twined with his longer ones, and we watched the stars together.


I was struggling not grit my teeth, stomp my foot in frustration, or throw the finger to Aizawa.

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz