Just A Day

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I stared down at the stream of text messages I had. After about ten minutes of just leaning on Katsuki's shoulder, he kept his eyes closed while I took a slight shower after draining the tub. Handed me a towel, helped me walk to the room.

My muscles felt so much better after the bath, that I was able to take little steps. With the support of Katsuki, I managed to the room I was staying in. Shooed him out and got dressed in the pair of clothes he picked from my house, sweatpants and a loose sweater. Luckily, he got undergarments. Unluckily, he must have seen all the skimpy shit I had.

I got dressed, and asked for help to get to the kitchen, hungry. Now I sat on the table, heated leftovers in a bowl in front of me, a long ass list of text-messages in front of me.

"How do people text so much?" I mutter, scrolling through the group chat. I put a piece of chicken in my mouth, chewing, looking at the messages.

First it started with Sero asking about how I was, to Kaminari and Mina shouting - capital letters- that I held Boom Boy's hand, to Kirishima asking what happened, to Kyoka telling everyone to hush, to Sero joining in with making jokes about Katsuki and I with Kaminari and Mina, to Kirishima wondering where I was staying since I couldn't move, to the whole chat spamming questions, to Kyoka dropping out of the group, being placed back in, everyone asking for me to answer, Kyoka saying I was staying with the Bakugos everyone wondering where that is, threats being sent my way if I don't answer except for Kirishima who asked Katsuki 'what's up bro?' and Kyoka who was thoroughly annoyed.

That was over one hundred text messages. Geez.

The chair across from me was pulled out as a bowl was put on the table. "Why didn't you respond to their texts?" I asked, wondering what to say.

"Those idiots aren't even coherent, why should I respond to them?" Katsuki growled in a low voice and began to eat. I ignored those words and ate, typing to the chat.

Me: Why r u guys going crz?

Me: I didn't answer bc I physically couldn't

Me: stop with the crz theories.

Pinkalicious: Hey Mira!!

Pinkalicious: How r u???

Soy Sauce: Yeah, I didn't get to c u yesterday

Me: I'm fine

Me: eating

Me: y do I have over 100 random messages?

Sparky: they r not random!

Sparky: VIM

Kiri: what's VIM?

Pinkalicious: Very Important Message

Kiri: Ohhh

EarJack: nothing u guys texted earlier was important

Sparky: not true!

Pinkalicious: yeah!

Soy Sauce: I'm still confused.

Me: let me eat.

I sigh out in real life, grabbing the attention of Katsuki, as I shut my phone off. "Stop texting and eat, Vampy." He said, as my phone pinged again.

"Yes, yes, I'll eat the spicy chicken." I mumbled, pings of messages going off. I tried my best to ignore it, stuffing my mouth with rice and chicken, only for both Katsuki and I to get pissed off.

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