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I read the note on the front of the door.

'If you are Mira Kazama, just walk right in!'

Okay then. I opened the door and walked right into the Bakugo House.

Why was I here, Tuesday afternoon at 3:40 pm? Well, after I finished kitchen duty, Mitsuki invited me over for dinner. I decided to come over right away instead of waiting for anyone, went home to change into a rare blue tank-top and gray shorts. And now I stood inside the large house, a singing coming down from the hall.

I was already wearing slippers, so I just closed the door and walked to to kitchen. While I really like Mitsuki, I hate to say she wasn't the best singer. But I'll give her points for tone and emotion.

"Hey, Mitsuki," I spoke up, over the music. She paused her singing and looked up, a smile splitting her face. She had flour on her cheekbones and forearm, wearing a pale pink t-shirt and some khaki shorts.

"Mira!" She said happily and a smile tried to show on my face. I walked over to the island, placing my phone down. "Ooh, your hair! I love it!"

I felt a pink come to my cheeks as she pointed out my hairstyle. I brushed a hand through it absentmindedly. "Thank you. I cut it Tuesday, last week."

Then made my cousin hate me and got attacked by a nomu. But that wasn't important. 

"Well, I think it looks great. It fits you perfectly!" I did my best to smile. She looked down at the flour in the counter surrounding her. "Oh, don't mind the mess. I'm just preparing dinner."

"What are you making?" I asked, curious. I could see that she was currently working on dough, red meat unthawing in the sink behind her, an array of vegetables on the counter.

"I'm making steamed rolls, homemade," she winked at me, "with some tempura veggies and gyudon."

(A bowl of rice topped with a mix of beef and onion simmered in a broth)

I felt my stomach rumble a bit. I wasn't hungry before, but now I was. "That sounds delicious. Can I help?"

She cocked a brow and I wanted to chuckle at how similar she and Katsuki looked. "Are you sure you can cook?"

I huffed and crossed my arms. "I can cook, Mitsuki. I have some life skills."

She blinked and chuckled. "Really? Well, you can start the marination for the meat and slice it thin. I'll see how you do."

I nodded and moved to wash my hands.

"So... anything special happen lately?" Mitsuki asked as I began drying my hands. "You know, maybe Monday... or this morning? Katsuki rushed in as I was leaving to get dressed, cursing to himself." I felt myself blush as I set down a cutting board and grabbed a sharp knife.

"Well, I guess it depends on what your definition of 'special' means." I was trying to push it off. I don't want to say anything without Katsuki here - this was his mom.

Mitsuki snorted, and I cut open the two meat packets. While the length was perfect, the meat was too thick for gyudon, so I would have to thin it out.

"Hmm... I guess good news? Or something that will make me super happy and shove it in my sons stupid face."

"You almost have the same face."

"He ruins his by frowning all the time."

"He's still ho- handsome, as your son."

"Of course he is - but he never smiles."

"His smile is absolutely beautiful-"

I paused, already sliced six pieces of thin strips with my expert knife skills. Mitsuki stopped kneading.

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now