Family Lunch

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When I woke up, sun streaming through the window, I was at first in a great mood. Sure, my legs felt weak and my core was sore still, but I woke up next to a sleeping Katsuki. I sat up, the sheets kicked off in my sleep as Katsuki's heat was all I needed, his shirt all I had on my frame. I yawned and stretched my arms above my head, rolling my neck.

Today was Saturday. Summer break had begun. The sun was streaming in golden streaks through the blinds, and it hit Katsuki's face at the perfect angle to make him glow. I took in his features, the toned torso exposed by my messing with the sheets. 

I could reach out and hold onto him and wake him up with a teasing voice and kisses. 

Until I looked at the clock on my desk, in the corner of the room.

10:33 am.


"Fuck!" I whisper shouted.  

But before I could hop out of bed and fall on my face, the arm that dropped to my thighs tightened around my abdomen and pushed me back to lay down. Fast. Almost a slam. 

And then Katsuki pulled me into him, cuddling his nose into the crook of my neck, his hand splaying on my lower abdomen.

"Why are you freaking out?" A shiver went through my spine at how deep his voice was, clouded by sleep.

"I have the lunch with the Todoroki's today," I explain, trying to push my way out of Katsuki's grip. He didn't weaken. "Katsuki!" I whined, struggling. He just chuckled deeply and nipped st my earlobe before letting me free.

"Don't slip," he warned, not ready to wake up yet. 

Groaning, I roll over and place my feet on the cold floor, pushing myself to standing. My legs wobbled but I managed to keep my balance, slip on my slippers, and make my way to the bathroom.

Today was Saturday. After talking with Enji through Fuyumi, we decided to have a group lunch together today before my private one-on-one with the hero. Because it's been a while since we all spent time together.

And, coincidentally, that lunch took place in an hour and a half.  And I was sore, needed a shower, had to pick out clothes that would be alright for this event, and bus across town.

I stumbled into the bathroom, flicking the light on. I went to brush my teeth before I turned the shower head on and stripped down. When I first stepped in, the water was cold and I let out a loud yelp, jumping back. Of course, with my balance, I slipped, and prepared myself to hit my head or shoulder very hard.

Until a low 'dumbass' sounded out and hands gripped my shoulders pulling me back against a hard surface. The hands slid down to my hips and pulled against his body,  rocking me forward as Katsuki stepped into the shower with me, the water warm now.

"I told you not to fucking slip, but look what you did," Katsuki grumbled, voice deepened and gruff via sleepiness. My face bloomed in heat as he put his on my shoulder and held me tight.

I have noticed that Katsuki's love language was touch. Holding hands, a hand on my knee, sitting close together. Snuggling or cuddling. Head on my shoulder or leaning against my head, arms wrapped around my waist, on my hips. Kissing.

Katsuki was a very touchy person. And enjoyed holding me against him in the morning. And I could feel his morning hardness pressed against my backside, but knew he was looking more for just close contact. 

"You really like holding me," I mumbled softly.

He pushed us to stand under the running water together, the now-warm liquid sliding over us. He nibbled on the spot where my neck and shoulder connected, and I bit back a sound.

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