Hero Names

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For the first time in weeks, it was dark. No one turned on the blinding white light - the buzz of energy not filling my ears.

They were angry with me. Because I used my Air Quirk by accident. I fell off the beam during training, almost into the water. I reacted, and destroyed the arena.

But I didn't fall into the water. That was all that mattered.

"Stay away from large bodies of water, Mirayu." That was something my mom and dad always told me. And I always listened. They pushed me to touch fire and play with burning candles - but water. Oceans and pools and lakes, I was told to avoid.

I grew scared of it. And I will never love water. Mrs. Osaka was upset with me, but I didn't care. I just needed to listen to my parents, and everything will work just right.

The lights flashed on, and my eyes burned from the sudden change. I blearily blinked until I could see, the speaker clicking on.

"Let's do some more training, Mira." That was Mrs. Osaka's voice. Cold, falsely happy. "If you are so scared of water that you'll wrongly use your Air Quirk, then let's play with fire."

I didn't know whether to thank Mrs. Osaka or quiver in fear.


I looked out the window as I ate a bite of cereal. It was raining quite heavily. I don't have a raincoat. Or an umbrella. Me, a billionaire, doesn't even have a fucking raincoat. Pathetic, really.

As I ate, my eyes kept shuttering closed. Yuuko would be expecting me Sunday afternoon, so that was done. I had an argument with Katsuki, about whether I should sleep in my own house last night or stay one more night. I won and went home. It was so... quiet. And I slept terribly, of course. So, as usual, I was exhausted.

I finished my bowl, washed it and grabbed my briefcase. I walked over and opened the front door and stared at the wall of rain.

I usually just used my Quirk to shield myself from the rain. That wasn't happening. If I sprinted, I could make it to the bus stop in under a minute. But I would be soaking wet by then.

I groaned loudly and rubbed my lower stomach. It was starting to hurt a bit and I had a bad feeling about what it means. I rolled my shoulders back, walked out enough to not get wet under the ledge, and locked the door behind me.

I held my briefcase over my head, took a deep breath, and almost began sprinting out into the heavy rain. That was my plan, except I stopped myself from moving when a man holding an umbrella popped up.

"I fucking knew it." Katsuki sighed with a growl hidden in his voice as he came to a stop before me. I huffed and placed my hands on my hips. "You're a billionaire but don't even own an umbrella or raincoat."

"Yeah, well I didn't need one before." I stepped under the umbrella, the rain splattering off it and around. "Thank you. Let's go." I nudged him with my elbow, ignoring the stare he was giving me as he turned and we walked to the sidewalk pressed together.

"You didn't sleep," Katsuki said gruffly. I looked up at his side-profile, eyes sharp and focused on our path.

He wasn't wrong. I didn't want to lie.

"I don't sleep well." I think the only times I have ever slept without trouble was when I was passed out w pain/blood-loss, or the one time I fell asleep of Katsuki's lap. Otherwise, I either have trouble falling asleep or constantly wake up.

"Then how the fuck do you function without sleep?" I wanted to smile at him asking questions about my health. So unlike him.

"I'm glad you worry enough to ask about my health," I told him. He sneered at me.

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin