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My heart leaped into my throat, grabbing onto the hand and kicking my legs out, eyes barely open. They connected with a body part - felt like the gut - hard, a male 'oof' sounding out. I kept my grip locked on the hand, pushing up onto my shoulders, slamming my leg up. My toe rammed into the jaw, and I let go of the hand. 

A heavy thud as a body fell, my body turning over, rolling to sit up. I breathed heavily, my shorter hair sliding out of my vision, my eyes adjusting to the dark. Only to see a cursing hero rubbing at his chin in pain.

"What the fuck Kazama!?" Hawks complained, sitting up. I let go of my fist, tilted my head, and chanted: not an attack, not an attack.

I breathed out heavily, falling onto my behind. "I was sleep, then felt someone gripping my shoulders. After killing a nomu, you think I wouldn't react like that?" I countered, taking in my surroundings.

Still on the bank of the river, the grass tickling my exposed legs. The river was calm, and stars still lined the sky. Crickets rang, a cool breeze wafting over me. Reminding me of my shredded clothes.

"How did you find me?" I asked, moving to stand up. It's best to go back to my hotel. I need a shower, the drying blood told me. At least my body wasn't sore.

"I flew over the entire city, before finding you passed out on the river bank." Hawks shook his head, removing his hand to reveal a forming bruise. I didn't feel bad. "You really destroyed that nomu, huh?"

I wiped my hands off after standing up. "Yes, I did." I glared down at him. "How did you know I was going to be attacked?" I asked bluntly.

Hawks froze, that easy smile splitting his lips. His eyes darkened, and I knew he was contemplating lying to me. If he did, well... let's just say I'm not feeling lenient right now.

"A low-grade spy told me. I called you right after," he told me, shoulders tensed. Not wanting anymore questions. I glared him down some more, trying to ignore the part of me that wanted to run or to smack him.

He had a spy? Knowing his personality so far, he probably was the spy himself. Is it so important to lie to me? Especially after what he wants me to do? Maybe. I just hope he doesn't end up getting himself killed and dragging me along with him.

I breathed out, running a stained hand through my hair. "Fine. I won't ask anything else. Just..." i dropped my hand and turned away. "Just don't contact me until I'm ready." An order, not a request. 

Hawks sighed. I heard him stand up, wiping off the grass on his body. "Okay. Are you alright, or should I take you to the medic of my agency?" He asked. I wasn't sure if he was asking out of worry or need for me to be in my best shape. 

"I'm fine. I heal on my own, as you know." I rolled my shoulder's back, shaking out my legs. It was gonna be a long run. "Leave me alone, Hawks."

"I'll do my best, Kazama," Hawks responded. I didn't look back as I took off in a fast jog, heading towards the city of glowing lights. 

A long day ahead of me. And a ton of thoughts I certainly did not want to think about.


I watched as the red water swirled around my feet, going down the drain. The soap suds slowly disappearing under the downpour of the hot water of the shower, trying to wash away the evidence of what just happened.

I killed a nomu. A nomu, which sent me to the hospital with broken ribs, spine, and a spleen - I killed one of those nomu's with just a blast of my Air Quirk. Only because I freaked the fuck out.

Did my Quirk get that much stronger? Was it really just my Air Quirk? Maybe the blood on my back got infused with the Air Quirk, making it like thousands of sharp needles shredding into the nomu.  Cause if it was just the Air Quirk, when I broke down at the sports festival, wouldn't Shoto and Katsuki -

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now