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My neck was sore. It was in an uncomfortable position on the arm of the sofa, my face pressed against the back, a thin blanket tossed over my body. I wore a sweater and shorts and was trying to sleep on the sofa in an uncomfortable position after throwing the pillows to the floor for taking up too much space.

After I got home, with the help of Bakugo, I took a shower and cleaned up. Then I watched my dramas for the rest of the day into the night, after reassuring Shoto that Bakugo didn't kill me. Then, too tired to move, fell asleep on the sofa. It wasn't comfortable.

I should have probably got up and checked the time to make sure I wasn't late to class. My bruises were practically gone, I could tell. That meant I can do basic hero training and private training today. Thank you my advance healing abilities. 

However, I was too lazy to move. After my fitful night, luckily dreamless, I just wanted to sleep now. Not get up. Not worry about class. But life had different plans for me.

My whole body shook when the door slammed into the wall, instinct rolling me onto the floor and reaching under the sofa, grabbing hold of the knife I kept underneath. Ignoring the way my hip and ribs hit the wood floor, I moved exceptionally fast and turned, ready to throw the knife at the head of the intruder. 

And when I did, I had another heart attack as the person filled my view and I altered my throw to move slightly to the left and the knife imbedded into the wall with a dull thud. And the two of us just stared at each other for a few seconds in silence.

Then he exploded.

"What is wrong with you and throwing sharp objects at me!" The angry man shouted and I just looked from his head to the knife. It missed by a few centimeters. I looked back to the angry man and got a bit frustrated myself.

"What do you expect when you just barge into my house with zero warning? A warm glass of tea?" I asked sarcastically. This man could be so dense at times.

He frowned and turned to look at the knife and back to me. "How is this my fault? You left the door open!"

I huff and rub my hip, stretching my back and rolling my sore neck. "Bakugo, don't barge in like some villain if you don't want a knife thrown at you. And what are you doing here anyways?" I loom over his frame. Dressed in the UA uniform. Why was he here? 

"I missed the bus." He said, stuffing his left hand into his pocket and throwing his briefcase on his shoulder. "And knew you weren't awake and was going to be late."

I blankly stared at him for a good second, taking his words in. Bakugo missed the bus. He always rode the 8 a.m. bus. If he missed it, the next bus would he at 8:30 a.m. When class started.

"Ok. You miss the bus. So you come get me instead of running to school. How did you know I was here and not already at UA? And why would I be late?" I asked, still not understanding what this had to do with me. Bakugo tsked and looked over to me.

"Are you really that dense? You were practically a zombie yesterday. No way in hell you'd be awake early." He raised his wrist with his watch in it, aiming the face towards me. "It's 8:10 a.m. Its at least a 25 minute run to UA if we sprint the whole time. So get your ass dressed and let's go."

One second, two. "Shit!" I exclaimed, pushing myself up from the floor, turning away and hopping over one of the pillows on the floor, bringing my hands to the edge of my sweater as I began to pull it up and run into my room. "I'm going to be late!" 

"That's what I said!" The deep voice yelled behind me and I paused, turning to look over my shoulder.

"You are going to be late too, dumbass." I said blankly and turned back to running into my room.

Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]Where stories live. Discover now