They get up, get ready for shift, and then leave. Andy sits down at the desk, and a couple of hours later they head to Andy's appointment. When they get there, she checks in, and is taken to a room. After a couple of minutes, they get taken to the ultrasound room.

Alice: Andy, how's it going? Andy: I can't sleep. Alice: So, Carina, wants to check the babies weight, growth, position, and the placentas. Andy: Okay. (Alice checks the babies. She is able to get good pictures of their faces.) Alice: Would you like some pictures? Andy: Defintaly. Alice: They're being quite good today. Andy: I'm glad. (Andy gets over ten pictures, and six more of their faces. After they got the pictures, they get taken back to the exam room.) Carina: Hello, Andy. How are you doing? Andy: I'm huge can't sleep, and I always need to pee. Carina: I'm sorry. Let's check their heartbeats. (Carina checks the heartbeats.) Carina: Perfect. So, the growth scan shows perfect growth. They're about three pounds each. I'm going to do an ultrasound every two weeks to make sure they're growing and no problems with anything. Andy: That's good.

Carina: At thirty-four weeks, I'll start doing non-stress tests and cervix checks. At thirty-five weeks, you'll get a steriod or when you go into labor. Andy: Okay. Carina: Keep doing what you're doing. Remeber to take it easy, because they can come early. Andy: I know. Robert takes good care of us. Carina: Any questions? Andy: How do I get some sleep? Carina: A pregnancy pillow may help. Andy: Thank you. Carina: You need to take a birthing class, breastfeeding class, and a couple of other ones. Most of my twin moms are second time mothers. Andy, you need to have your bags and the babies bags packed, soon. Andy: Okay. Carina: Anything else? Andy: Nothing I can think of. Carina: I guess I'll see you next week. Andy: Okay.: End of Conversation After that, they make Andy's next appointment, and head back to shift.

When they get back to the station, the station is empty. So, Andy put a picture of their faces on the fridge and went back to the desk. She spent the rest of her day with Robert and at the front desk. The team loved the pictures of the baby's faces. She then went to bed, and couldn't sleep. So, she went to the living room with her laptop. She did research on everything she needs to pack and have ready for the babies.

Andy's 30 Weeks and 2 Days... This morning, Andy and Robert are going to run some errands. Which includes going to the baby and book store.

When they got to the baby store, Andy went in there with a list. Robert was surprised with her list. She got everything she would need for her hospital bag, plus a pregnancy pillow. They then headed to the book store and they got a ton of books. They then headed home.

When they got home, they started on the laundry. They spent the day watching movies, and relaxing. Robert made dinner, and they hung out. At bedtime, Andy tried the pregnancy pillow, and she fell right asleep. She was able to sleep all night, expect with needing to pee every three hours. Robert couldn't help, but smile.

Andy's 30 Weeks and 3 Days... Today, Andy finished all the laundry for the hospital bag. So, she packed her hospital bag. She tried to pack the girl's hospital bags, but she didn't have the stuff she needed for them. So, she ordered stuff for their hospital bag. It should all be there with three to seven days.

Andy's 31 Weeks and 2 Days... Today, Andy finished packing the girls hospital bags. Over the past couple of days, the stuff she ordered has arrived. So, she finished packing their bags. Then, the bases are installed so, that's already done. However, she wants to hopefully have them checked by a CPST (Child Passenger Safety Technician.)

Andy's 32 Weeks and 3 Days... Today, Andy has a doctor's appointment. They checked the baby on the ultrasound, and then talked with Andy for a few minutes, and after her appointment, Andy was able to go get her bases checked, and they were actully installed properly.

Andy's 34 Weeks and 1 Day... Today, Andy has a doctor's appointment. She's now having them every week, and an ultrasound every two weeks.

When Andy woke up this morning, Robert was still asleep. So, she got up and took a shower. After that, she went downstairs. After an hour, Robert got up. They spent the morning together, and they then headed to her appointment. Before every appointment, they put the carseats and the hospital bags in the car.

When they arrive, Andy got her vitails checked and was taken back to a room. She then got her ultrasound which checks the babies growth, and the other things. After the ultrasound, she was then taken back to the exam room.

After a minute, Carina came in. Conversation... Carina: Hello, Andy. How are you doing? Andy: I'm huge and uncomfortable. I've been able to sleep some, and pee a ton. The babies move a ton. I have my last shift tomorrow. So, then I get ready for the babies. What does the ultrasound show? Carina: That the babies are now four pounds. So, they're growing. Which is amazing. So, we're now going to start doing non-stress tests. The second you start to feel contractions, you need to call me and start monitoring them. Because I want to give you a steroid shot. However, at thirty-five weeks I will give you that shot. I'm going to check you now. (Carina checks Andy, and Robert holds her hand. Andy does squeeze Robert's hand.) Carina: You're not dilated at all. (Andy sits up.) Andy: What does that mean?

Carina: Nothing really. Any questions? Andy: Is it safe to drive with how big and pregnant I am? Carina: When you get to the thirty-eight week mark, it won't be safe anymore. So, if you don't have to drive, please don't. However, if Robert's at work, you should be safe to drive short distances. Andy: Okay. Carina: Do you have any more questions? Andy: Not that I can think of. Carina: Okay. I'll help you get set up with the non-stress test. It should take about an hour depending they corporate. Andy: Okay. (Andy heads to the non-stress room, and they put her on the monitor for about an hour. Then Carina comes back.) Carina: They looks good. You're good to go. (Andy and Robert leave.) Robert: What do you want to do? Andy: Lunch and baby thirft store. They need some clothes. Robert: Okay. I'll drive. Andy: I know.: End of Conversation After that, they go out to lunch.

After lunch, they head to the baby thrift store. At the baby thrift store, they get baby clothes for the first nine months. They then head home, and hang out together. Watch a TV show, eat dinner, and then go to bed.

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